[CMake] Viewing the full build log from the CDash Dashboard

David Cole dlrdave at aol.com
Fri Aug 15 07:13:49 EDT 2014

> Apologies if this is a stupid question with an obvious answer staring
> me in the face but...

Nope, it's not.

The dashboard does not have the "full build log" because ctest does not
send the full output from the build step. Only the contents of
"Build.xml" are sent when a build is submitted to CDash. The reason is
simply volume and scale. The configure output is typically fairly
small (so we send all of it), but build output can be megabytes and
megabytes (so we only send what we think is important...).

So CDash shows its "cut-down summary" because that's all it has.

To get the full build output, you need access to the machine that
submitted the dashboard. The full build log is found in the build tree
in a file named "Testing/Temporary/LastBuild_20140806-1658.log" (but
adjust the timestamp part of the name to when the build actually

> Our current build system captures the output of the ctest process and
> emails it separately but surely this must be available through CDash?

Nope. If you need it, keep your current system for now.

David C.

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