[CMake] Generate tarballs from CMake targets

Sankar P sankar.curiosity at gmail.com
Mon Nov 18 03:13:41 EST 2013

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2013/11/18 Sankar P <sankar.curiosity at gmail.com>:
> Hi,
> I have a HUGE project which I have successfully migrated to use CMake
> and everything builds fine. Thanks for this lovely tool. As a followup
> to the migration, I have few questions.
> I used a single non-recursive top-level CMake file to do the build so
> as to be parallelism friendly and it shows in the build speeds.
> Now, I need to copy source tarball(s) to some Open Build Service
> projects. So my question is, is it possible generate a tarball
> automatically for every target in my buildservice project ? Or in an
> advanced way, suppose I want the source files (and include files) for
> CMake targets a, b and c to be combined to a tarball and the source
> files (and include files) for CMake targets d and f to be combined to
> a different tarball, Is there an automatic way of generating tarballs
> from the CMake targets ?
> Thanks.
> --
> Sankar P
> http://psankar.blogspot.com

Sankar P

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