[CMake] CPack problem with nsis on linux

Hendrik Kunert kunerd at users.sourceforge.net
Fri Dec 16 13:36:17 EST 2011


i get the following error message from CPack with NSIS for a 
crosscompiled application:

Run CPack packaging tool...
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::logic_error'
   what():  basic_string::_S_construct NULL not valid
make: *** [package] Abgebrochen ( aborted in English :D )

I found on the web, that this is a problem of CPack getting the version 
number from NSIS. My question is now, if there exist a CMake or NSIS 
version that works on Linux and in my usecase described above?

I use the following setup:
OpenSuse 11.3 64 bit
CMake 2.8.1-3.4

Thanks alot.


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