[CMake] OS X Framework and their name

Marco Antognini antognini.marco at gmail.com
Mon Apr 4 09:23:24 EDT 2011


I'm currently trying to produce a framework with CMake where its name depend on the build type (release vs debug). For example in release mode I want "sfml-system.framework" (which I get). Now I'm trying to get "sfml-system-d.framework" in debug mode.

I've read in another mail that DEBUG_POSTFIX will be ignored (because it would break include like <sfml-system/someHeader.h> but I don't have any header in this framework so it doesn't matter in this case) so I unsuccessfully tried to play with SUFFIX (have I done something wrong ?).

One really bad solution would be to change the target name (sfml-system) directly but this would implies to change also this name in other targets where sfml-system is a dependency.

How can I do that in a nice way ? Any thoughts ? Is there any properties of he target to be setup in order to achieve this?

Please tell me if I forgot any relevant information.


Marco Antognini

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