[CMake] VS2010 support

Bill Hoffman bill.hoffman at kitware.com
Sun May 31 09:29:35 EDT 2009

Ross, Thomas wrote:

> It's not only the file format that has changed, it's the complete build
> process for C/C++ that got switched from VCBuild to MSBuild. The convert
> wizard seems to have some trouble with escaped characters like '\&quot'
> which is used for enclosing the value of CMAKE_INTDIR for example. Removing
> all '\&quot' in all auto converted .vcxproj files I was able to compile my
> solution.
> Unfortunatly that's still not all. I can't link just yet. Got a boatload if
> unresolved externals for basic_string and stuff. I tried with another small
> project and got the same errors, creating a new solution from scratch works
> fine.
Thanks for the tip on the quot stuff.

Well, the autoconvert stuff has never worked for CMake.  However, if 
anyone would like to help with the new generator here is what I would 
like to have.  I would like a mapping from flags to xml snippets. 
Basically go into the GUI and set each flag possible for the compile and 
linker and create a table of command line cl flag to XML representation 
of that.   I am working on the new code this next week, but if someone 
or some group of people were to help create the flag map that would be 
really helpful and speed things up.

Fortunately,  the NMake generator does work if people want to try the 
compiler with their code.


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