[CMake] ccmake gets all squirrelly over which C++ compiler to use.

Jed Brown jed at 59A2.org
Tue Mar 3 11:19:21 EST 2009

On Tue 2009-03-03 09:20, kent williams wrote:
> Lather, Rinse, Repeat. After 2 or 3 go-arounds, CCMake is happy and
> lets you generate your build files.

This and the fact that most modules aren't written to handle multiple
passes (for instance, if the wrong version is found on the first pass,
the cache becomes corrupt) means that I frequently configure cmake
packages by repeatedly running

  $ rm -rf * && cmake .. -DVAR1=foo -DVAR2=bar

and adding options based on the output.  This is silly, but it's
definitely the most robust solution and in my experience saves time.
Writing robust Find* modules is hard work and there are many issues [*]
to overcome before we can even give standard advice to make the hack
above unnecessary.

Your specific issue sounds like it's just a bug, but very similar issues
are deeper and I find ccmake/cmake-gui to be brittle as soon as anything
unexpected happens.

[*] many mentioned at http://www.cmake.org/Wiki/CMake:Improving_Find*_Modules

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