[CMake] Modules standardization...

Matt McCormick matt at mmmccormick.com
Wed Aug 5 16:44:08 EDT 2009

Asmodehn Shade <asmodehn at ...> writes:

> Hi,First sorry if this has been addressed in the past but I could find any
reference to it...I am using a Module FindFoo.cmake.I know I am expecting it to
set FOO_FOUND and other variables such as FOO_INCLUDE_DIR, FOO_LIBRARIES, etc.My
question is : what is the exact operation that I should use to transform Foo in
FOO...I am having a problem now because I am writing a simple macro that takes
the name of the package, and then check the different variables after the
find_package() call.

That seems like something that should be documented here...

looking at /usr/share/cmake/Modules, the convention seems to be CamelCase with
ALL CAPS for abbreviations, though not all seem to follow to unified trend.

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