[CMake] FindSDL.cmake and mingw / msys

PA Galmes pagalmes.lists at gmail.com
Sat Feb 24 11:42:46 EST 2007


I've been playing for some days with cmake, and I have
to say that I quite love the way it works. But while trying
to compile a sourceforge project under Windows using
MSYS, I run into a problem.

I do not know if the problem is related to the
CMakeLists.txt that I did not wrote correctly or to an
issue into the FindSDL.cmake. That's why I write here.

What I did:

- I wrote the CMakeLists.txt under Linux. There,
everything compiled like a charm. I added the code
of my CMakeLists.txt at the end of the mail

- Under Windows, I then generated the make files for
MSYS and tried to compile it using msys and mingw:

$ make
Scanning dependencies of target bloodybeard
[ 25%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/bloodybeard.dir/main.obj
[ 50%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/bloodybeard.dir/qGameEngine.obj
[ 75%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/bloodybeard.dir/moc_qGameEngine.obj
Linking CXX executable bloodybeard.exe
undefined reference to `SDL_Init'
undefined reference to `SDL_WM_SetCaption'

So, the SDL lib is not correctly linked under Windows/MSYS.

I then checked the "build.make" file generated. It  does
not includes all the needed link flags needed for SDL under
mingw ( -lmingw32 -lSDLmain -lSDL -lmwindows).

Why aren't those flags added? It looks like the SDL_LIBRARY
variable is empty, but why ?

I would need some help to investigate further.

- In the FindSDL.cmake, there is a specific part related to MINGW:

# MinGW needs an additional library, mwindows
# It's total link flags should look like -lmingw32 -lSDLmain -lSDL
# (Actually on second look, I think it only needs one of the m* libraries.)
  SET(MINGW32_LIBRARY mingw32 CACHE STRING "mwindows for MinGW")

So, why doesn't this work ? Is there a specific MSYS flag to add?

I have a few workarounds in order to compile my project, but would
like to help.

Pierre-André Galmes

I - Links:

The project is at the following adress:

You can access to the svn source if you want to.

II - CMakeLists.txt :

# The Qt flags
# I do not need QtGui.

# find and setup Qt4 for this project
# SDL for this project
find_package(Qt4 REQUIRED)
find_package(SDL REQUIRED)
find_package(SDL_image REQUIRED)




# the variable "bloodybeard_SRCS" contains all .cpp files of this project


# After this call, bloodybeard_MOC_SRCS = moc_Class1.cxx moc_Class2.cxx
QT4_WRAP_CPP(bloodybeard_MOC_SRCS ${bloodybeard_MOC_HDRS})

ADD_EXECUTABLE(bloodybeard ${bloodybeard_SRCS} ${bloodybeard_MOC_SRCS})

# tell cmake to create .moc files for all files in the variable
# that require such a file.
# note: this assumes that you use #include "header.moc" in your files

# create an executable file named "bloodybeard" from the source files in the
# variable "bloodybeard_SRCS".
add_executable(bloodybeard ${bloodybeard_SRCS})

# link the "bloodybeard" target against the Qt libraries. which libraries
# exactly, is defined by the "include(${QT_USE_FILE})" line above, which
# up this variable.
target_link_libraries(bloodybeard ${QT_LIBRARIES})

Pierre-André Galmes
Free Software consultant
StarXpert - www.starxpert.fr
6, rue Eugène Varlin - 75010 Paris
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