[CMake] Test sources

Pascal Fleury fleury at users.sourceforge.net
Tue Feb 20 19:05:41 EST 2007

On Monday 19 February 2007 16:08:08 Ken Martin wrote:
> We have a test for CREATE_TEST_SOURCELIST in CMake/Tests/TestDriver and it
> does not use a full path to the tests and it is passing on the dashboard.
> Perhaps you specified the path to the test source files as a full absolute
> path?

Thanks Ken, that was the issue. Beginners attempts are usually convoluted (so 
was mine), and I was actually using a FILE(GLOB ...) to solve my problem. 
This results in the full path, which is then modified to be a suitable 
function name (replacing '/' -> '_' etc.), and was used somewhere down the 

I got around this by using some (to me previously unknown) features so that I 
have a test driver, and produce a list of tests. the CMakeList file went down 
by a couple 10s lines, and it works. 

Thanks for the support!!


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