[CMake] cpack output path question

Duncan Mac-Vicar Prett dmacvicar at suse.de
Mon Feb 19 07:46:39 EST 2007

Hi guys,

We are trying to switch libzypp (solver) to cmake.
Everything has been straighforward, except for one thing I can't find in the 
docs or the cmake book.

In the CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR, I have a spec.in file I configure without problems to 
the CMAKE_BINARY_DIR/package directory

But, I haven't found the way to generate the tarball via cpack into this 
CMAKE_BINARY_DIR/package directory instead of CMAKE_BINARY_DIR

Also I would need to copy a file from  CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR/package to  

is there a way to do all this from a single make something target? How can I 
modify the package_source target to do this?


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