[Cmake] Targets, Output Files, Command Lines

William A. Hoffman billlist at nycap.rr.com
Mon Aug 9 13:28:41 EDT 2004

OK, I think I have found the source of your problems.
You have a case that is not directly covered by cmake or the
cmake book.  You have the case where a generator program 
is generating multiple source files as output.  Currently,
the ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND command does not directly support more
than one file as output.  However, there is a way to do this
in the current cmake.  I have added an example of how to do 
this in the CMake FAQ, question 2.4:


Basically, you want something like this:

For each of your .g files do something like this:

ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND(OUTPUT ${bit_streamer_BINARY_DIR}/AddressTableParser.cpp 
  COMMAND java
  ARGS -classpath ${THIRD_PARTY_PATH}lib/vc/antlr.jar antlr.Tool -o ${bit_streamer_BINARY_DIR}   ${bit_streamer_SOURCE_DIR}/AddressTable.g
  MAIN_DEPENDENCY ${bit_streamer_SOURCE_DIR}/AddressTable.g

Then add a dummy custom command for each of the outputs produced by antlr and
have each of them depend on this first output.

ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND(OUTPUT ${bit_streamer_BINARY_DIR}/AddressTableParser.hpp
  COMMAND echo
  DEPENDS ${bit_streamer_BINARY_DIR}/AddressTableParser.cpp
ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND(OUTPUT ${bit_streamer_BINARY_DIR}/AddressTableLexer.hpp
  COMMAND echo
  DEPENDS ${bit_streamer_BINARY_DIR}/AddressTableParser.cpp

ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND(OUTPUT ${bit_streamer_BINARY_DIR}/AddressTableLexer.cpp
  COMMAND echo
  DEPENDS ${bit_streamer_BINARY_DIR}/AddressTableParser.cpp


At 10:19 AM 8/9/2004, Andrew Dupont wrote:
>        Sorry I haven't given you good information up to this point, I
>was basically working blind on trying to produce this Makfile and VS
>project. The .g files are given to antlr and run using a custom command
>that should go to the command prompt. Antlr then produces a list of
>.hpp, .h and a single .txt file, which are needed for the build of the
>bit_streamer. I need to add the dependency on each .g file with all of
>the .hpp and .h outputs so every time the project is built, antlr is
>called and produces the desired header files.

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