Andy Cedilnik andy . cedilnik at kitware . com
10 Jul 2003 10:17:02 -0400

Hi Petr,

If you change compiler version, you should really start with a new build
tree. Use out of source build and this will be easy.

Now just set CC and CXX:

mkdir web-bin
cd web-bin
CC=gcc-3.3 CXX=g++-3.3 ccmake ../web

Also, if you update debian to Testing, gcc and g++ will point to 3.3.


On Wed, 2003-07-09 at 09:06, Petr Ferschmann wrote:
> I am just trying cmake to use instead of auto* tools.
> But I have some problems. I am using CHECK_INCLUDE_FILE_CXX.
> I have problem with header <locale>. I am using debian and my default
> compiler is gcc 2.95. But I want to use gcc 3.3. I have both installed.
> When I run cmake it uses gcc (which is 2.95) and checks headers. It
> finds that header <locale> doesn't exist. But when I switch to gcc 3.2
> it doesn't check headers again and doesn't look for <locale>. So it thinks 
> that it is not available
> This header is in gcc 3.2 in default C++ directory (it is different for
> every compiler version).
> I want to solve it :-). If you have some idea how to handle it in cmake
> I would like to implement it.