[Cmake] CMake and wxWindows

Bill Hoffman bill.hoffman at kitware.com
Fri Mar 22 07:55:36 EST 2002

At 01:24 PM 3/22/2002 +0100, you wrote:
>Dear CMake developers, for our project I'm trying to use CMake (1.2) for
>building an application making use of various libraries, among which the
>wxWindows library, and I'm trying to make this software running either
>on Unix and Windows. Up to now I was able to make CMake create good
>projects for compiling a very simple wxWindows application
>(minimal.cpp), but now I'm founding some problems:
>1. Under WIN32, wxWindows applications need a default resource file to
>be included (${WXWIN_PATH}/include/wx/msw/wx.rc), which adds a number of
>icons located in the same directory to the resources. I noticed that
>CMake accepts resource files, but I can't find in the manual how to add
>a directory to the Resource path. Without doing this the compiler
>complains it cannot find the icons, since within the wx.rc they are
>specified with path relative to ${WXWIN_PATH}/include. How can I add the
>"/i" option for the rc.exe?
Until now, that had not been requested.   Would it hurt if the rc program got
the same include path as the compiler?  That might be an easy fix, or I guess a special
variable or new command could be created.

>2. By default the Visual Studio project file created by CMake has the
>pre compiled header option disabled, and this make the compilation
>horribly slow. How can I turn it on?
I guess it can be turned on with a command line option right?
Just add that option to CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS in your cache.

>3. Under Linux (RedHat 7.2) the FindGTK.cmake module cannot found the
>paths for includes, since they are located in /usr/include/gtk-1.2/g?k ,
>and while the "glibconfig.h" file needed by wxgtk include files is
>located in /usr/lib/glib/include (if I'm not wrong), so I had to add
>specific rules in make UseWX.cmake file.

I have not used GTK, I guess you are saying it requires two include paths?
If you want to fix FindGTK.cmake and send it to me, I can put it in the next 

>Last questions: is there a more updated documentation than the PDF
>manual, like something generated automatically by doxygen?

The PDF is up-to-date for CMake 1.2, and the command section of that document
is autogenerated.   

There is doxygen here:

But that will only help with cmake development and not use.

>Thanks a lot for any help,

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