[cable] passing number &'s to method

Steve Pieper pieper at bwh.harvard.edu
Wed Mar 20 10:19:33 EST 2002

Hi -

I'm trying my first Cable project and I hope this is an easy question for
you: in Tcl, how can I pass the second argument to the following method?

	OFCondition findAndGetSint16(const DcmTagKey&, short&)

The OFCondition and DcmTagKey classes are wrapped up and working nicely,
and I can call a similar method to get a string type... but I don't know
what to do about the basic types (I also need int, float, double, etc but
I assume they'll all fit the same pattern).

Background: I'm trying to wrap the DCMTK tools from University of
Oldenberg - a very nice dicom implementation you can find at
http://dicom.offis.de.  I plan to try hooking up their code into vtk/itk
at the tcl level.  So far CMake and Cable have worked great (until I hit
this question).


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