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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0008538ITKpublic2009-02-16 07:002010-11-13 12:57
ReporterIvan Macia 
Assigned ToMathieu Malaterre 
PlatformOSOS Version
Product VersionITK-3-10 
Target VersionFixed in VersionITK-4-A3 
Summary0008538: Incorrect loading of DICOM MONOCHROME1 images with Pixel Padding Value != 2^bits stored-1
DescriptionI tried to load a DICOM MONOCHROME1 image (MG), see relevant DICOM data in additional information.

The Largest Image Pixel Value is 32767 and Pixel Padding Value 32767 (recommended to be 2^16-1 = 65535) but not mandatory.

In gdcm::PixelReadConvert::ConvertFixGreyLevels() always pixels are converted in the form:

value = 65535 - value

which results in pixels above the 5571 - 32767 range for this image.

In my opinion, in this case it should be

value = 32767 - value

which gives the correct values.
Additional Information0008,0060 Modality MG
0008,0070 Manufacturer "Sectra Imtec AB"
0008,1010 StationName "Sectra MDM"
0028,0002 SamplesperPixel 1
0028,0004 PhotometricInterpretation MONOCHROME1
0028,0010 Rows 5293
0028,0011 Columns 4855
0028,0100 BitsAllocated 16
0028,0101 BitsStored 16
0028,0102 HighBit 15
0028,0103 PixelRepresentation 0
0028,0106 SmallestImagePixelValue 5571
0028,0107 LargestImagePixelValue 32767
0028,0120 PixelPaddingValue 32767
0028,1040 PixelIntensityRelationship LIN
0028,1041 PixelIntensityRelationshipSign 1
0028,1050 WindowCenter "7847.258380", "7847.258380", "8574.061653", "7120.455108"
0028,1051 WindowWidth "3634.016361", "3634.016361", "3634.016361", "3634.016361"
0028,1052 RescaleIntercept 0
0028,1053 RescaleSlope 1
0028,1054 RescaleType
0028,1055 WindowCenterWidthExplanation User,Normal,Bright,Dark
0028,1056 Unknown SIGMOID
0028,2110 LossyImageCompression 00
TagsNo tags attached.
Resolution Date
Sprint Statusbacklog
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Mathieu Malaterre (developer)
2010-11-07 21:45

ITK is using GDCM 2.x now

 Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2009-02-16 07:00 Ivan Macia New Issue
2010-10-26 05:56 Mathieu Malaterre Status new => assigned
2010-10-26 05:56 Mathieu Malaterre Assigned To => Mathieu Malaterre
2010-11-07 21:45 Mathieu Malaterre Sprint Status => backlog
2010-11-07 21:45 Mathieu Malaterre Note Added: 0023038
2010-11-07 21:45 Mathieu Malaterre Status assigned => closed
2010-11-07 21:45 Mathieu Malaterre Resolution open => fixed
2010-11-13 12:57 Mathieu Malaterre Status closed => feedback
2010-11-13 12:57 Mathieu Malaterre Resolution fixed => reopened
2010-11-13 12:57 Mathieu Malaterre Status feedback => closed
2010-11-13 12:57 Mathieu Malaterre Resolution reopened => fixed
2010-11-13 12:57 Mathieu Malaterre Fixed in Version => ITK-4-A3

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