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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0007868CMakeCMakepublic2008-10-28 05:112008-12-15 13:30
ReporterChristian Ehrlicher 
Assigned ToBrad King 
PlatformOSOS Version
Product VersionCMake-2-6 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0007868: CMAKE_DEBUG_POSTFIX does not affect executables
add_executable(test_exe main.cpp)
add_library(test_dll SHARED main.cpp)
add_library(test_lib STATIC main.cpp)

get_target_property(loc test_exe LOCATION)
message(STATUS "test_exe: ${loc}")

get_target_property(loc test_exe DEBUG_LOCATION)
message(STATUS "test_exe: ${loc}")

get_target_property(loc test_lib LOCATION)
message(STATUS "test_lib: ${loc}")

get_target_property(loc test_lib DEBUG_LOCATION)
message(STATUS "test_lib: ${loc}")

get_target_property(loc test_dll LOCATION)
message(STATUS "test_dll: ${loc}")

get_target_property(loc test_dll DEBUG_LOCATION)
message(STATUS "test_dll: ${loc}")

--E:\cmake-test>cmake . -G "NMake Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug
-- The C compiler identification is MSVC
-- The CXX compiler identification is MSVC
-- Check for CL compiler version
-- Check for CL compiler version - 1400
-- Check if this is a free VC compiler
-- Check if this is a free VC compiler - no
-- Check CL platform
-- Check CL platform - 32 bit
-- Check for working C compiler: C:/Programme/Microsoft Visual Studio 8/VC/bin/c
-- Check for working C compiler: C:/Programme/Microsoft Visual Studio 8/VC/bin/c
l.exe -- works
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
-- Check for working CXX compiler: C:/Programme/Microsoft Visual Studio 8/VC/bin
-- Check for working CXX compiler: C:/Programme/Microsoft Visual Studio 8/VC/bin
/cl.exe -- works
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
-- test_exe: E:/cmake-test/test_exe.exe
-- test_exe: E:/cmake-test/test_exe.exe
-- test_lib: E:/cmake-test/test_lib.lib
-- test_lib: E:/cmake-test/test_libd.lib
-- test_dll: E:/cmake-test/test_dll.dll
-- test_dll: E:/cmake-test/test_dlld.dll

As you can see there's no 'd' appended to the executable. Also LOCATION returns the wrong target name.
Additional InformationThe issue also affects the Visual Studio generator:

Check for working C compiler: C:/Programme/Microsoft Visual Studio 8/VC/bin/cl.exe
Check for working C compiler: C:/Programme/Microsoft Visual Studio 8/VC/bin/cl.exe -- works
Detecting C compiler ABI info
Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
Check for working CXX compiler: C:/Programme/Microsoft Visual Studio 8/VC/bin/cl.exe
Check for working CXX compiler: C:/Programme/Microsoft Visual Studio 8/VC/bin/cl.exe -- works
Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
test_exe: E:/cmake-test/$(OutDir)/test_exe.exe
test_exe: E:/cmake-test/DEBUG/test_exe.exe
test_lib: E:/cmake-test/$(OutDir)/test_lib.lib
test_lib: E:/cmake-test/DEBUG/test_libd.lib
test_dll: E:/cmake-test/$(OutDir)/test_dll.dll
test_dll: E:/cmake-test/DEBUG/test_dlld.dll

You can't add a proper post_build target with the output of LOCATION... :(
TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Files


Brad King (manager)
2008-12-15 13:10

There is a documentation bug. The CMAKE_DEBUG_POSTFIX variable only affects library targets. Furthermore, the LOCATION property cannot be made to work with per-configuration executable names for various reasons (compatibility, VS IDE support, etc.).

In CMake 2.6 and above you don't need the LOCATION property. You can just name the target in the command. Furthermore, the DEBUG_OUTPUT_NAME property can change the name of an executable.

  add_executable(foo foo.c)
  set_property(TARGET foo PROPERTY DEBUG_OUTPUT_NAME foo_d)
  add_custom_command(TARGET foo POST_BUILD COMMAND foo)
Brad King (manager)
2008-12-15 13:13

Okay, there is one more detail. The CMAKE_DEBUG_POSTFIX variable is just used to *initialize* the target property DEBUG_POSTFIX when a (non-executable) target is created. Setting the property directly does work on any target:

  set_property(TARGET foo PROPERTY DEBUG_POSTFIX _d)

I'll update the documentation of the variable.
Brad King (manager)
2008-12-15 13:30

I've fixed the generated documentation related to this:

/cvsroot/CMake/CMake/Source/cmDocumentVariables.cxx,v <-- Source/cmDocumentVariables.cxx
new revision: 1.22; previous revision: 1.21
/cvsroot/CMake/CMake/Source/cmTarget.cxx,v <-- Source/cmTarget.cxx
new revision: 1.230; previous revision: 1.229

 Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2008-10-28 05:11 Christian Ehrlicher New Issue
2008-12-15 13:10 Brad King Note Added: 0014344
2008-12-15 13:13 Brad King Note Added: 0014345
2008-12-15 13:13 Brad King Status new => assigned
2008-12-15 13:13 Brad King Assigned To => Brad King
2008-12-15 13:30 Brad King Note Added: 0014346
2008-12-15 13:30 Brad King Status assigned => closed
2008-12-15 13:30 Brad King Resolution open => fixed

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