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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0007170CMakeCPackpublic2008-06-06 11:382008-09-11 10:49
ReporterTimothy Shead 
Assigned ToBill Hoffman 
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0007170: Patch - prototype CPack OSX bundle generator
DescriptionFor several Qt- and GTK-based projects, I need more flexibility than the current OSXX11 generator provides. The attached patch is a first-iteration prototype to stimulate discussion. I've written-up details in the wiki at [^]

for comment.
TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Filespatch file icon bundle_generator.patch [^] (16,304 bytes) 2008-06-06 11:38 [Show Content]
patch file icon bundle_generator_2.patch [^] (11,445 bytes) 2008-07-10 16:41 [Show Content]
patch file icon bundle_generator_test.patch [^] (5,290 bytes) 2008-07-28 19:29 [Show Content]
? file icon BundleIcon.icns [^] (33,452 bytes) 2008-07-28 19:30


David Cole (manager)
2008-06-18 09:16

I am currently working on applying this patch to CVS HEAD of the CMake source tree...
David Cole (manager)
2008-06-18 09:54

Initial application of patch:

/cvsroot/CMake/CMake/Modules/CPack.cmake,v <-- Modules/CPack.cmake
new revision: 1.38; previous revision: 1.37
/cvsroot/CMake/CMake/Source/CMakeLists.txt,v <-- Source/CMakeLists.txt
new revision: 1.399; previous revision: 1.398
/cvsroot/CMake/CMake/Source/CPack/cmCPackBundleGenerator.cxx,v <-- Source/CPack/cmCPackBundleGenerator.cxx
initial revision: 1.1
/cvsroot/CMake/CMake/Source/CPack/cmCPackBundleGenerator.h,v <-- Source/CPack/cmCPackBundleGenerator.h
initial revision: 1.1
/cvsroot/CMake/CMake/Source/CPack/cmCPackGeneratorFactory.cxx,v <-- Source/CPack/cmCPackGeneratorFactory.cxx
new revision: 1.3; previous revision: 1.2
David Cole (manager)
2008-06-19 06:17

$ cvs commit -m "COMP: Eliminate unreferenced variable warning" Source/CPack/cmCPackBundleGenerator.cxx

/cvsroot/CMake/CMake/Source/CPack/cmCPackBundleGenerator.cxx,v <-- Source/CPack/cmCPackBundleGenerator.cxx
new revision: 1.2; previous revision: 1.1
Timothy Shead (reporter)
2008-07-10 16:45

I've just uploaded a patch to cleanup the code and provide better error messages if there are problems.

This patch can be applied against the CVS trunk.

Many thanks!
David Cole (manager)
2008-07-18 16:13

Committed to CVS HEAD of CMake...

/cvsroot/CMake/CMake/Source/CPack/cmCPackBundleGenerator.cxx,v --> Source/CPack/cmCPackBundleGenerator.cxx
new revision: 1.3; previous revision: 1.2
Timothy Shead (reporter)
2008-07-28 19:35

The files "bundle_generator_test.patch" and "BundleIcon.icns" provide a basic regression test for the bundle generator.

bundle_generator_test.patch can be applied against CVS trunk, then BundleIcon.icns should be copied into the new Tests/BundleGeneratorTest directory. Run the new test with

$ ctest -R BundleGeneratorTest

Note that this tests *building* an OSX bundle, it doesn't test running the bundled application yet, since that means mounting the bundle disk image, figuring-out where it got mounted, opening the bundle (not the same as exec-ing the binary), then unmounting the volume to cleanup. However, you can open the bundle manually and see that it prints a "Howdy, World!" message to the console.
David Cole (manager)
2008-07-30 16:37

Test added to CVS HEAD 7/30/2008

/cvsroot/CMake/CMake/Tests/CMakeLists.txt,v <-- Tests/CMakeLists.txt
new revision: 1.60; previous revision: 1.59
/cvsroot/CMake/CMake/Tests/BundleGeneratorTest/BundleIcon.icns,v <-- Tests/BundleGeneratorTest/BundleIcon.icns
initial revision: 1.1
/cvsroot/CMake/CMake/Tests/BundleGeneratorTest/CMakeLists.txt,v <-- Tests/BundleGeneratorTest/CMakeLists.txt
initial revision: 1.1
/cvsroot/CMake/CMake/Tests/BundleGeneratorTest/Executable.cxx,v <-- Tests/BundleGeneratorTest/Executable.cxx
initial revision: 1.1
/cvsroot/CMake/CMake/Tests/BundleGeneratorTest/Info.plist,v <-- Tests/BundleGeneratorTest/Info.plist
initial revision: 1.1
/cvsroot/CMake/CMake/Tests/BundleGeneratorTest/Library.cxx,v <-- Tests/BundleGeneratorTest/Library.cxx
initial revision: 1.1
/cvsroot/CMake/CMake/Tests/BundleGeneratorTest/StartupCommand,v <-- Tests/BundleGeneratorTest/StartupCommand
initial revision: 1.1
David Cole (manager)
2008-07-30 16:51

Bill, add to the CMake-2-6 branch after a night on the dashboards if you think it wise... (The functionality is over there already, this is adding a test of the new CPack bundle generator.)

 Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2008-06-06 11:38 Timothy Shead New Issue
2008-06-06 11:38 Timothy Shead File Added: bundle_generator.patch
2008-06-18 09:16 David Cole Note Added: 0012396
2008-06-18 09:16 David Cole Status new => assigned
2008-06-18 09:16 David Cole Assigned To => David Cole
2008-06-18 09:54 David Cole Note Added: 0012399
2008-06-19 06:17 David Cole Note Added: 0012412
2008-07-10 16:41 Timothy Shead File Added: bundle_generator_2.patch
2008-07-10 16:45 Timothy Shead Note Added: 0012691
2008-07-18 16:13 David Cole Note Added: 0012744
2008-07-28 19:29 Timothy Shead File Added: bundle_generator_test.patch
2008-07-28 19:30 Timothy Shead File Added: BundleIcon.icns
2008-07-28 19:35 Timothy Shead Note Added: 0012847
2008-07-30 16:37 David Cole Note Added: 0012886
2008-07-30 16:51 David Cole Note Added: 0012887
2008-07-30 16:51 David Cole Assigned To David Cole => Bill Hoffman
2008-09-11 10:49 Bill Hoffman Status assigned => closed
2008-09-11 10:49 Bill Hoffman Resolution open => fixed

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