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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0006850CMakeCMakepublic2008-04-18 13:002008-05-12 09:27
Assigned ToAlex Neundorf 
StatusclosedResolutionno change required 
PlatformOSOS Version
Product VersionCMake-2-6 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0006850: Treat .so files for libraries with version as ARCHIVE target in INSTALL command
DescriptionThis is very useful to improve packaging.

When building shared library on Linux platforms (ones without import libraries) I usually get 3 files:, and where first two are symlinks, and the latest is real file. It would be very convenient to make and LIBRARY components (as it is now) and ARCHIVE component (as it done for import library on Windows platforms).

If you look at regular linux lib<something>.rpm and lib<something>-devel.rpm you see, that first one contains library itself and symlink SONAME pointing to library. All applications which use <something> refer to SONAME. '.so' files are necessary only for developers and therefore they go to -devel package along with header files.
Additional InformationIf this request will be approved, I can try to make a patch.
TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Files


Brad King (manager)
2008-05-12 09:27

In CMake 2.6 the install command supports the "NAMELINK_ONLY" and "NAMELINK_SKIP" options to allow separation of the symlink from the other files: [^]

 Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2008-04-18 13:00 Yuri New Issue
2008-04-21 18:13 Bill Hoffman Status new => assigned
2008-04-21 18:13 Bill Hoffman Assigned To => Alex Neundorf
2008-05-12 09:27 Brad King Status assigned => closed
2008-05-12 09:27 Brad King Note Added: 0011811
2008-05-12 09:27 Brad King Resolution open => no change required

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