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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0006799CMakeCMakepublic2008-04-14 10:322008-06-19 07:42
ReporterDouglas Gregor 
Assigned ToDavid Cole 
PlatformOSOS Version
Product VersionCMake-2-6 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0006799: Curses-based cmake (ccmake) crashes with exported targets on Mac OS X
Descriptionccmake (the curses-based CMake) crashes when generating makefiles on Mac OS X if the CMakeLists.txt file contains any exported targets. This has happened with the few CMake 2.6.0 release candidates I've tried, including the latest (RC8), on Mac OS X Tiger and Leopard (x86). The command-line "cmake" is okay, and after "ccmake" crashes once while generating makefiles, it is fine. Further uses of "ccmake" or "cmake" within that build tree are fine.

To reproduce this, I created a minimal CMakeLists.txt file with the following commands:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.6)
add_executable(generator generator.c)
install(TARGETS generator DESTINATION lib/myproj/generators EXPORT myproj-targets)
install(EXPORT myproj-targets DESTINATION lib/myproj)

generator.c is just a stub file containing:

  int main() {}

Run "ccmake" on the directory containing this files, hit "c" twice to configure, then hit "g"... and I get a segfault.
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David Cole (manager)
2008-06-19 07:41

I reproduced this issue today with the CMake 2.6.0 release.


...then I could *not* reproduce it with the CMake-2-6 branch from CVS as of 2008-06-19, nor could I reproduce it with CVS HEAD as of 2008-06-19...

It looks like it has been fixed already and is fixed in both CVS HEAD and the CMake-2-6 branch. (Although I did not track it down to the exact cvs commit that fixed it...)

Closing because it no longer happens... Please re-open if you think otherwise...
David Cole (manager)
2008-06-19 07:42

See previous note. Fixed in CVS HEAD and the CMake-2-6 branch.

 Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2008-04-14 10:32 Douglas Gregor New Issue
2008-04-14 10:42 Bill Hoffman Status new => assigned
2008-04-14 10:42 Bill Hoffman Assigned To => David Cole
2008-06-19 07:41 David Cole Note Added: 0012413
2008-06-19 07:42 David Cole Status assigned => closed
2008-06-19 07:42 David Cole Note Added: 0012414
2008-06-19 07:42 David Cole Resolution open => fixed

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