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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0005323CMakeCMakepublic2007-07-10 12:102010-12-15 08:08
ReporterEric Marchand 
Assigned ToBrad King 
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version 
Target VersionFixed in VersionCMake 2.8.3 
Summary0005323: Disable the progress count
DescriptionDisable the progress count

During the build, cmake update and displays a progress counter.
I see two drawbacks to this feature.

1) Look and feel.
   Some people - but not all I admit - don't like it.

2) Under clearcase, the targets are systematically rebuilt.
   The feature is implemented by writing and reading into a file along the
   build (CMakeFiles/Progress/). This is a problem when using cmake under the
   clearcase environment with clearmake command instead of make.
   Clearcase includes mechanismes to avoid unecessary rebuild of targets. It
   provides its own file system so it is able to check all the files that have
   been opened during the build of a target; so if one of them has changed
   between two build sessions it re-build the target.

An improvment feature could be to manage an environment variable that disables
this feature. Hereunder is a patch I use to validate it. The variable name is
DISABLE_PROGRESS_COUNT: if it set to a not null value, the feature is disabled.

Eric Marchand
TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Filesdiff file icon quiet_progress_count.diff [^] (1,250 bytes) 1969-12-31 19:00 [Show Content]
diff file icon cmake_progress_count.diff [^] (9,316 bytes) 1969-12-31 19:00 [Show Content]


Eric Marchand (reporter)
2007-07-11 01:57

The first patch quiet_progress_count.diff is a work-around for the clearcase problem but it is too dirty for an example.

The second patch (cmake_progress_count.diff) introduces a new cmake variable CMAKE_PROGRESS_COUNT that enables/disable the output of the build progress, its default is ON to keep the same behavior as before.
This patch has been tested on a RedHat 4 (Linux) PC.
Wojciech Migda (reporter)
2009-06-08 06:08

hello all,

when this patch will be included in CMake ? It is quite urgent, since progress indication feature confuses clearmake and when terminated build is restarted everything is being rebuilt from the beginning and CMake is practicaly UNUSABLE with clearmake.
Wojciech Migda (reporter)
2009-06-08 06:24

to be more specific when I run clearmake with the -v option it shows the following:

Cannot reuse "foo.obj" - version mismatch for "CMakeFiles\Progress\count.txt"

I tried adding -O clearmake option but it doesn't help.
David Cole (manager)
2010-12-15 06:47

Brad, is there another existing way to disable progress reporting at this point?
Brad King (manager)
2010-12-15 08:07 [^]

 Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2009-06-08 06:08 Wojciech Migda Note Added: 0016650
2009-06-08 06:24 Wojciech Migda Note Added: 0016651
2010-12-14 11:11 David Cole Assigned To Ken Martin =>
2010-12-15 06:47 David Cole Assigned To => Brad King
2010-12-15 06:47 David Cole Note Added: 0024127
2010-12-15 08:07 Brad King Note Added: 0024138
2010-12-15 08:08 Brad King Status assigned => closed
2010-12-15 08:08 Brad King Resolution open => fixed
2010-12-15 08:08 Brad King Fixed in Version => CMake 2.8.3

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