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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0013797CMakeCMakepublic2012-12-14 13:482013-11-04 09:33
ReporterRichard Bateman 
Assigned ToClinton Stimpson 
PlatformXCodeOSMac OSOS Versionall (presumably)
Product Version 
Target VersionCMake 2.8.12Fixed in Version 
Summary0013797: OS X CFBundle PREFIX and SUFFIX are set too late
DescriptionStarting with cmake 2.8.10 when I use:


I now get /path/to/

I should get /path/to/GCPlugin.plugin/Contents/MacOS/GCPLugin

I don't know what changed;
Steps To ReproduceThere is a test in the cmake source that should be able to reproduce it; if it's not a simple thing to see what happened I can help track it down.

Basically create a library:

add_library(somePlugin MODULE ${SOURCES})

    set_target_properties(somePlugin PROPERTIES
        OUTPUT_NAME somePlugin
        BUNDLE 1
        BUNDLE_EXTENSION plugin
        XCODE_ATTRIBUTE_WRAPPER_EXTENSION plugin #sets the extension to .plugin

Then do:

    get_property(LIBDIR TARGET somePlugin PROPERTY LOCATION)

message("Lib dir: ${LIBDIR}")
Additional InformationThis is really easy to reproduce with a firebreath plugin; I can upload a test project that you could play with with firebreath if you wanted to try it that way. I am also willing to help if you can give me an idea where to look. I am willing to help if it is needed.
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related to 0011295closedDavid Cole Support for "CFBundle" (.plugin) types on Mac OS 

Brad King (manager)
2012-12-14 14:16

What version of CMake were you using that reported the correct path in this case? I'd like to find when/why this changed.

However, you may not need to use the property. Note from the LOCATION property documentation: [^]
 "this property is provided for compatibility with CMake 2.4 and below"

If you are getting the location to pass to add_custom_command or add_test then use the $<TARGET_FILE:...> generator expression instead.
Brad King (manager)
2012-12-14 14:44

From a small test case I can see that LOCATION gets the prefix/suffix but $<TARGET_FILE:...> does not. The reason is that the former is computed during configuration and the latter during generation. In between those steps this code runs:;a=blob;f=Source/cmGlobalXCodeGenerator.cxx;hb=v2.8.10.2#l706 [^]
    cmtarget.SetProperty("PREFIX", "");
    cmtarget.SetProperty("SUFFIX", "");

This was part of your original patch:;a=commitdiff;h=5457b825 [^]

I think setting the properties during generation like that is incorrect. Instead cmTarget::GetFullNameInternal should be taught that for CFBundle targets the prefix and suffix should default to empty if the property is not explicitly set.
Clinton Stimpson (developer)
2013-06-03 08:40

483e208 OS X: Fix getting of CFBundle LOCATION property.
Robert Maynard (manager)
2013-11-04 09:33

Closing resolved issues that have not been updated in more than 4 months.

 Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2012-12-14 13:48 Richard Bateman New Issue
2012-12-14 14:16 Brad King Note Added: 0031898
2012-12-14 14:40 Brad King Relationship added related to 0011295
2012-12-14 14:44 Brad King Note Added: 0031899
2012-12-14 14:49 Brad King Target Version => CMake 2.8.11
2012-12-14 14:49 Brad King Summary get_property(... TARGET project PROPERTY LOCATION returns incorrect value => OS X CFBundle PREFIX and SUFFIX are set too late
2013-05-17 09:33 Robert Maynard Target Version CMake 2.8.11 => CMake 2.8.12
2013-06-03 08:32 Clinton Stimpson Assigned To => Clinton Stimpson
2013-06-03 08:32 Clinton Stimpson Status new => assigned
2013-06-03 08:40 Clinton Stimpson Note Added: 0033174
2013-06-03 08:40 Clinton Stimpson Status assigned => resolved
2013-06-03 08:40 Clinton Stimpson Resolution open => fixed
2013-11-04 09:33 Robert Maynard Note Added: 0034350
2013-11-04 09:33 Robert Maynard Status resolved => closed

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