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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0010423ITKpublic2010-03-16 11:182010-03-16 12:46
ReporterIvan Macia 
Assigned ToMathieu Malaterre 
StatusclosedResolutionwon't fix 
PlatformOSOS Version
Product VersionITK-3-16 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0010423: Crash parsing DICOM tag
DescriptionWhile trying to parse a DICOM tag (2005,0000) (Group Length I think) in gdcm::Document::ParseDES() it tries to skip the tag and the call

RemoveEntry( newDocEntry );

calls ElementSet::RemoveEntry() where the entry is not found. Instead the following call should be made:

set->RemoveEntry( newDocEntry );

which in my case calls SQEntry::RemoveEntry() which actually removes the entry. In the first case a hanging pointer is left at the end of SQItem::DocEntries which finally crashes when SQItem::AddEntry() is called for the next item.
TagsNo tags attached.
Resolution Date
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Attached Files? file icon IM_0001 [^] (139,604 bytes) 2010-03-16 12:05 [Show Content]


Mathieu Malaterre (developer)
2010-03-16 12:45

File is corrupted (mixture of implicit and explicit element).

GDCM 2.x properly handles it. Closing issue.
Mathieu Malaterre (developer)
2010-03-16 12:46

GDCM 1.x is feature frozen. Please switch to GDCM 2.x

 Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2010-03-16 11:18 Ivan Macia New Issue
2010-03-16 12:05 Ivan Macia File Added: IM_0001
2010-03-16 12:45 Mathieu Malaterre Status new => assigned
2010-03-16 12:45 Mathieu Malaterre Assigned To => Mathieu Malaterre
2010-03-16 12:45 Mathieu Malaterre Note Added: 0019896
2010-03-16 12:46 Mathieu Malaterre Note Added: 0019897
2010-03-16 12:46 Mathieu Malaterre Status assigned => closed
2010-03-16 12:46 Mathieu Malaterre Resolution open => won't fix

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