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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0010322ITKpublic2010-02-22 19:022010-11-18 21:10
ReporterDarren Weber 
Assigned Toalexandre gouaillard 
PlatformOSOS Version
Product VersionITK-3-16 
Target VersionFixed in VersionITK-4-A3 
Summary0010322: ITK java wrapping - out of resources build failure
DescriptionIn the MacPorts build for InsightToolkit, we've noticed and replicated a build failure for the java wrapping at about 94% completion (it appears on OSX Snow Leopard, 10.6.x).

A possible fix is to add "-J-mx1024m" to patch Wrapping/WrapITK/Java/CMakeLists.txt
Additional InformationFor more details, see the MacPorts ticket at [^]
TagsNo tags attached.
Resolution Date2010-11-06
Sprint Statusbacklog
Attached Files


alexandre gouaillard (developer)
2010-11-06 03:31

fixed in the wrapitk branch of itkv4
Gaetan Lehmann (developer)
2010-11-07 14:15

mauvaise manip !
Luis Ibanez (manager)
2010-11-18 21:10

We have decided to skip the "resolved" status and move directly to "closed".

 Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2010-02-22 19:02 Darren Weber New Issue
2010-02-22 19:04 Gaetan Lehmann Status new => assigned
2010-02-22 19:04 Gaetan Lehmann Assigned To => Gaetan Lehmann
2010-11-06 03:31 alexandre gouaillard Assigned To Gaetan Lehmann => alexandre gouaillard
2010-11-06 03:31 alexandre gouaillard Note Added: 0022929
2010-11-06 03:32 alexandre gouaillard Resolution Date => 2010-11-06
2010-11-06 03:32 alexandre gouaillard Sprint Status => backlog
2010-11-06 03:32 alexandre gouaillard Description Updated
2010-11-06 03:32 alexandre gouaillard Additional Information Updated
2010-11-06 03:34 alexandre gouaillard Status assigned => resolved
2010-11-06 03:34 alexandre gouaillard Fixed in Version => ITK-4-A3
2010-11-06 03:34 alexandre gouaillard Resolution open => fixed
2010-11-06 03:35 alexandre gouaillard Status resolved => closed
2010-11-07 14:14 Gaetan Lehmann Status closed => assigned
2010-11-07 14:15 Gaetan Lehmann Note Added: 0023033
2010-11-07 14:15 Gaetan Lehmann Status assigned => resolved
2010-11-18 21:10 Luis Ibanez Status resolved => closed
2010-11-18 21:10 Luis Ibanez Note Added: 0023409

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