[vtkusers] VTK for visualizing 3D Networks

BennyS spiess.benjamin at yahoo.de
Sun Mar 10 10:00:56 EDT 2019

Hi all!
I am relatively new to VTK but still surprised by the opportunities provided
by the visualization tool kit. For this reason, I am currently trying to
visualize a network using VTK. I saw some youtube videos concerning this
objective, but I was not able to achieve this objective and struggled hard
the last month..

What I did so far:
-I used networkx (python) to calculate the 3D positions of the node
-Python VTK to plot spheres which represent the nodes and tubes which
represent the edges. 

What I am not able to do:
-I have information about the nodes which I would like to use to define the
importance (=size?) of the nodes. Furthermore, this information is used to
calculate the edge weigths.
-Regarding the edge weights, it would be great to use this information for
defining the tube color/diameter.

I already found some threads directing to the MutableUndirectedGraph class
for example. However, it seems to me that there is not clear way of doing it
in a 3D manner.

Maybe someone of you has some experience regarding this and could give me a
helping hand?
I would be really grateful!

Thanks and cheers

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