[vtkusers] VTKImageReslice: slow performance.

Andras Lasso lasso at queensu.ca
Fri Jul 5 11:23:21 EDT 2019

The mailing list will be shut down soon. Please continue the discussion on the forum on the topic that you have already created - https://discourse.vtk.org/t/vtkimagereslice-slow-performance/1281


From: vtkusers <vtkusers-bounces at vtk.org> On Behalf Of David Gobbi
Sent: Friday, July 5, 2019 11:12 AM
To: abhishek <abhishek at meddiff.com>
Cc: VTK Users <vtkusers at vtk.org>
Subject: Re: [vtkusers] VTKImageReslice: slow performance.

Hi Abhishek,

It's the Update() method is what actually executes the filter. GetOutput() is just a getter method that returns a pointer.

Can you provide a short code snippet so that we can see exactly how you are using vtkImageReslice?


On Fri, Jul 5, 2019 at 3:55 AM abhishek <abhishek at meddiff.com<mailto:abhishek at meddiff.com>> wrote:
Hello Group, I am having performance issues while extracting SAGGITAL/CORONAL
planes using VTKImageReslice. Each call to VTKImageReslice->GetOutput()
takes 5-7 ms.

The volume used has the following properties:
1. Dimensions: 512x512x297
2. Pixel spacing: 0.4x0.4x0.7
3. Scalar type: Unsigned Int16
4. Number of components: 1 (Monochrome).

System & Build environment:
1. Windows 7, 12GB RAM, i3 processor.
2. Visual studio 2013
2. VTK 7.1.1
3. WPF for UI

Are there any known considerations for making VTKImageReslice fast?
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