[vtkusers] VTK Contouring, combining perpendicular polygons

HarryG harry.glickman at mail.mcgill.ca
Fri Feb 1 15:14:12 EST 2019

Hi all,

I’m new to VTK, am trying to add contouring tools to an in-house radiation
oncology treatment planning system. I have been successful in adding the
ability to contour on axial slices (z planes), turning my drawn polygons
into masks with vtkLinearExtrusionFilter and then vtkPolyDataToImageStencil,
but can't figure out how contours from perpendicular axes should be

The user should be able to contour on all three planes simultaneously with
any drawn polygon being immediately incorporated into the overall structure.
I can create polygons like on the axial plane, but can’t figure out how
these perpendicular polygons should be integrated. My thinking is that I
need to get a list of all voxels within the polygons on these perpendicular
planes, and then add all the voxels from all the planes and recreate a
contour from this list – is that even a correct assumption?

There seem to be quite a few posts dealing with the concept of creating 3D
surfaces from 2D contours, but none that I could find on combining contours
from multiple planes. Is there something obvious I am missing?

Thank you,

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