[vtkusers] Picking an Actor only works with TrackballCamera?

StevenNew stefan.neumann at tuhh.de
Thu Oct 4 14:24:15 EDT 2018

Hello guys,

I'm trying to implement the picking mechanic in my project and the examples
worked perfectly fine for me. Now I have problems when trying to implement
the example (under CXX/Interaction/Picking) in my project.

When I derive a class (so I can override OnLeftButtonDown) from
vtkInteractorStyleTrackballCamera, like in the examples, it works in my
project, but if I derive it from vtkInteractorStyleSwitch then the mouse
event doesn't work. The OnLeftButtonDown just won't get called and I don't
get why.

I need the vtkInteractorStyleSwitch since I want the user to be able to
switch styles.

I hope someone can help.
Thanks in advance! 

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