[vtkusers] nested vtkPropAssembly visibility

Petr Matoušek p3tr.matousek at gmail.com
Wed May 16 09:57:59 EDT 2018


I have the following assembly hierarchy:

vtkPropAssembly1 -> vtkPropAssmebly2 -> vtkActor

Calling vtkPropAssembly1.VisibilityOff() or vtkActor.VisibilityOff() 
will hide the vtkActor during render. But calling 
vtkPropAssembly2.VisibilityOff() has no effect.

Is this intended behavior or a bug? I expected that calling 
vtkPropAssembly2.VisibilityOff() will hide the vtkActor too.

This kind of behavior was already reported here:


Best regards, Petr Matousek

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