[vtkusers] Visualize a volume slice on a 3D plane (the acquisition plane of the images)

Sankhesh Jhaveri sankhesh.jhaveri at kitware.com
Wed Jun 27 10:12:06 EDT 2018

You should be able to get the output of the mapper as vtkImageData and then
use GetScalarPointer() to access the raw data.

On Wed, Jun 27, 2018 at 9:49 AM Eva Monclús <emonclus at cs.upc.edu> wrote:

> Thanks a lot for the quickly answer, but my problem is that I want to use
> the output of the vtkImageActor in a different graphic object (another 3D
> plane) and I do not know how to manage it.
> In very, very technical words, I want to get access to the unsigned char *
> that it is being rendering using the vtkImageActor.
> Thanks in advance,
>     Eva
> On 27/06/2018 15:22, Sankhesh Jhaveri wrote:
> Hi Eva,
> vtkImageActor is a 2D textured plane in a 3D space. Make sure that you
> use the vtkImageMapper3D (default mapper) with it.
> If you’re just looking for 3D interaction with the actor, use an
> interactor style like vtkInteractorStyleTrackballCamera.
> Hope that helps.
> Thanks,
> Sankhesh
> On Wed, Jun 27, 2018 at 9:17 AM Eva Monclús <emonclus at cs.upc.edu> wrote:
>> Hello everyone,
>> I'm working with a volume dataset (temporal Dicom serie) and I´m able to
>> visualize the  slices using the following vtk C++ classes:
>>    - vtkImageData: represents the volume dataset
>>    - vtkImageMapToColors: I use this class to define the transfer
>>    function to be used in the rendering
>>    - vtkImageActor: I use this class to render a specific slice of the
>>    volume dataset
>> Until here everything it is fine. I can render the slice I want using the
>> classes before mentioned changing the SetDisplayExtent of the vtkImageActor.
>> Now I want to visualize the output of my vtkImageActor as a 2D texture in
>> a free 3D plane.  Then, I consider to have the following classes:
>>    -  I use a vtkPlaneSource to define the  3D plane: orientation and
>>    position
>>    - a vtkTexture that has to be attached to the vtkPlaneSource. My
>>    problem comes out with the definition of the SetInputConnection of the
>>    vtkTexture. I want to define the  image as the output of the vtkImageActor.
>>    But  I do not get it.
>> I am successful in visualizing the vtkPlane in black  color (due to the
>> texture is not well defined) unfortunately, I can't get it to work
>> properly  with a texture of a specific slice of the volume dataset. I have
>> tried different ways of assigning the SetInputConnection of the vtkTexture
>> using the vtkImageActor, but none of them worked well.
>> Any help will be welcome.  Thank you very much in advance,
>>    Eva
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> --
> Sankhesh Jhaveri *Sr. Research & Development Engineer* | Kitware
> <http://www.kitware.com/> | (518) 881-4417
> --
Sankhesh Jhaveri *Sr. Research & Development Engineer* | Kitware
<http://www.kitware.com/> | (518) 881-4417
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