[vtkusers] Resolved - VTK data structure to C-array

Romain LEGUAY romain.leguay at gmail.com
Sun Jun 24 02:50:12 EDT 2018

Thank you for your answer.

I didn’t understand the term Scalar like the pixel value. 


De : Elvis Stansvik
Envoyé le :samedi 23 juin 2018 19:43
À : Romain LEGUAY
Cc : vtkusers at vtk.org
Objet :Re: [vtkusers] VTK data structure to C-array

2018-06-23 19:28 GMT+02:00 Romain LEGUAY <romain.leguay at gmail.com>:
Hi everyone,
I try to convert all points of a vtkImageData to a C-array. 
My purpose is to use this array Inside OpenCL for example.
My method actually is to read all points of the vtkImageData using  vtkImageData::ComputePointId and vtkImageData ::GetPoint but this method is too slow.
I don’t find any documentation on this.

You can get a direct pointer to the data using GetScalarPointer() [1].


[1] https://www.vtk.org/doc/nightly/html/classvtkImageData.html#a567566b094dcc3187061dc5ff02a6abb


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