[vtkusers] Fwd: VTK + PyQt5 + VirtualGL not working

amdelaossa adelaossa at gmail.com
Thu Jun 14 04:00:14 EDT 2018

Dear VTK developers,

We have an issue with our 3D visualization software which uses VTK, through Python bindings.
Although VTK has been working with no problems with VirtualGL, 
recently we have implemented a GUI for our visualization routines. 
The problem appeared when we tried to use this GUI remotely through VirtualGL.

We get the following error message:

[VGL] NOTICE: Automatically setting VGL_CLIENT environment variable to
[VGL], the IP address of your SSH client.
ERROR: In /data/netapp/fla/plasma/software-max/source/VTK-git/Rendering/OpenGL2/vtkOpenGLRenderWindow.cxx, line 725
vtkXOpenGLRenderWindow (0x2ef7b00): GLEW could not be initialized.

Segmentation fault

The problem also appear with a much more simple program that we took from the VTK examples:

This python script runs smoothly in a local computer, but it fails when using vglrun (VirtualGL). 

This is a critical issue for us: 
Our simulation data is stored in remote clusters for parallel computing, and therefore, 
it is a must to use VirtualGL to visualize the data with VTK without needing to transfer large amounts of data to our personal computers.

Any help or information is much appreciated.

Best regards,

Alberto Martinez de la Ossa
Postdoc Uni. Hamburg - DESY-FLA
Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY
Notkestraße 85, 22607 Hamburg
Office: 01E/O2.514
Phone: +49 40 8998 1569
Email: alberto.martinez.de.la.ossa at desy.de <mailto:delaossa at mail.desy.de>

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