[vtkusers] How can I plot a Hedgehog with programmatically-built data? (Python)

Aron Helser aron.helser at kitware.com
Fri Jul 6 10:21:55 EDT 2018

If you build VTK, with testing or with examples, the data files end up in
the build directory. It's a binary file ~2.5Mb, or I'd attach it.
The example uses  vtkStructuredPointsReader to read the file, then
vtkPolyDataMapper , tells you carotid is probably a PolyData, so you can
look for examples of constructing that. The example of exchanging data with
Numpy arrays might be helpful.

On Fri, Jul 6, 2018 at 4:10 AM J. <babybishops at gmail.com> wrote:

> I'd like to draw a Hedgehog plot in Python. I had a look at this example:
> https://lorensen.github.io/VTKExamples/site/Python/Visualization/ComplexV/
> But unfortunately the data for the plot there is just read from a file,
> "carotid.vtk" (a file which, by the way, I can't find anywhere on the
> Internet - maybe a download a link could be added to the examples page?).
> Thus it's quite opaque exactly how this data needs to be presented. I've
> been trying to guess my way to success by looking at some C code I found,
> but I'm not getting any joy.
> Say I have a 2-dimensional python array of python 3-tuples representing
> the values of a vector field at each point of a regular 3d grid. What steps
> do I take to plot that as a hedgehog?
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