[vtkusers] Mesh Copy - Boolean Operation

Majid Mohammad sadeghi majid.msadeghi at yahoo.com
Fri Jan 12 03:38:52 EST 2018

I am not sure what you want to do, but you can always save the result of the first boolean operation in a new polydata, and then perform the second boolean on the result of the first boolean operation.


    On Friday, January 12, 2018, 10:10:21 AM GMT+2, Aleph <powerhak at naver.com> wrote:  

Is there any way to duplicate boolean operation on the same mesh?

1. Do BooleanOperating(difference) on a mesh

2. Do BooleanOperating(Union) again next to the 1's position (the same mesh

when i did it, the first one was disappeared(difference boolean).

Anybody knows how to do it?


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