[vtkusers] vtkParticleReader and vtkGlyph3D

Sgouros, Thomas thomas_sgouros at brown.edu
Tue Apr 3 15:47:29 EDT 2018

 This is reader->GetOutput()

vtkPolyData (0x7f8ce050dad0)

  Debug: Off

  Modified Time: 217

  Reference Count: 1

  Registered Events: (none)

  Information: 0x7f8ce050d9b0

  Data Released: False

  Global Release Data: Off

  UpdateTime: 218

  Field Data:

    Debug: Off

    Modified Time: 167

    Reference Count: 1

    Registered Events: (none)

    Number Of Arrays: 0

    Number Of Components: 0

    Number Of Tuples: 0

  Number Of Points: 10229

  Number Of Cells: 10229

It goes on for quite a bit more. As I said, when I feed this to a
vtkPolyDataMapper, it displays and works fine, but I want little spheres,
not little flat rectangles and I thought I could just redirect that into
the vtkGlyph3D object, but I must be misunderstanding something.

Thank you,


On Tue, Apr 3, 2018 at 3:26 PM, Sebastien Jourdain <
sebastien.jourdain at kitware.com> wrote:

> You can try to see what the GetOutput() contains as my assumption it would
> be empty (No points => Number of Points: 0).
> reader->GetOutput()->PrintSelf(cout, vtkIndent(2));
> What I mean was
> glyph3D->SetInputConnection(reader->GetOutputPort());
> On Tue, Apr 3, 2018 at 1:23 PM, Sgouros, Thomas <thomas_sgouros at brown.edu>
> wrote:
>> Hi Sebastien:
>> Sorry if that was unclear. The third block of code comes first, and
>> reader->Update() is called before I use its GetOutput().  In situ, it looks
>> like this:
>>  ...
>>   vtkSmartPointer<vtkParticleReader> reader =
>> vtkSmartPointer<vtkParticleReader>::New();
>>   reader->SetFileName ( filePath.c_str() );
>>   reader->SetDataByteOrderToBigEndian();
>>   reader->Update();
>>   // Create anything you want here, we will use a cube for the demo.
>>   vtkSmartPointer<vtkCubeSource> cubeSource =
>>       vtkSmartPointer<vtkCubeSource>::New();
>>   vtkSmartPointer<vtkGlyph3D> glyph3D =  vtkSmartPointer<vtkGlyph3D>::N
>> ew();
>>   glyph3D->SetSourceConnection(cubeSource->GetOutputPort());
>>   glyph3D->SetInputData(reader->GetOutput());
>>   glyph3D->Update();
>>   ...
>> I don't think I understand what you mean by the connection instead of the
>> dataset directly.
>> Is there a way to peek inside glyph3D and see what it thinks it has?
>> Thank you,
>>  -Tom
>> On Tue, Apr 3, 2018 at 2:53 PM, Sebastien Jourdain <
>> sebastien.jourdain at kitware.com> wrote:
>>> Tom,
>>> Just make sure that reader->Update(); was called before
>>> glyph3D->SetInputData(reader->GetOutput());
>>> But it would be better to use the connection instead of the dataset
>>> directly.
>>> Seb
>>> On Tue, Apr 3, 2018 at 12:27 PM, Sgouros, Thomas <
>>> thomas_sgouros at brown.edu> wrote:
>>>> Hello all:
>>>> Can someone help me understand why this code works:
>>>>   vtkSmartPointer<vtkGlyph3D> glyph3D = vtkSmartPointer<vtkGlyph3D>::N
>>>> ew();
>>>>   glyph3D->SetSourceConnection(cubeSource->GetOutputPort());
>>>>   glyph3D->SetInputData(polydata);
>>>>   glyph3D->Update();
>>>> And this does not (nothing displayed)?
>>>>   vtkSmartPointer<vtkGlyph3D> glyph3D =  vtkSmartPointer<vtkGlyph3D>::N
>>>> ew();
>>>>   glyph3D->SetSourceConnection(cubeSource->GetOutputPort());
>>>>   glyph3D->SetInputData(reader->GetOutput());
>>>>   glyph3D->Update();
>>>> The first clip is from https://www.vtk.org/Wiki/
>>>> VTK/Examples/Cxx/Filtering/Glyph3D
>>>> The 'reader' object is stolen from the ParticleReader example:
>>>>   vtkSmartPointer<vtkParticleReader> reader =
>>>> vtkSmartPointer<vtkParticleReader>::New();
>>>>   reader->SetFileName ( filePath.c_str() );
>>>>   reader->SetDataByteOrderToBigEndian();
>>>>   reader->Update();
>>>> The program compiles, but no data appears. It works fine (data appears)
>>>> in the context of the ParticleReader example, where it shows all the data
>>>> points. But I want to see them as glyphs, not little squares. I seem to be
>>>> misunderstanding something fundamental, but not seeing what it could be.
>>>> Many thanks,
>>>>  -Tom
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