[vtkusers] Windows 10 does not support Microsoft Video 1

Entwicklung Kornicki kornicki.entwicklung at chello.at
Mon Sep 11 03:20:35 EDT 2017

There is a class called vtkAVIWriter. We use this class to record the video.


This class has a couple of methods such as PromptCompressionOptionsOn 
which allow to set whether the compressor options should be displayed, 
but I do not see any possibility to modify in detail which compressor 
options should be selectable.

My problem is that when I run our program and start capturing the video, 
it displays "Micosoft Video 1" as the first item of possible codecs to 
be used, but videos created using "Microsoft Video 1" apparently cannot 
be played by the standard video player of Windows 10. That is why I 
would like to remove this option but don't know how to do that.

Best regards,
Claus Volko

Am 07.09.2017 um 17:08 schrieb Cory Quammen:
>> With Kitware VTK 5.8, when using the functionality to save the action that
>> is going on in the window as an AVI file and prompting compressor options,
>> the default codec is "Microsoft Video 1". Unfortunately, I noticed that when
>> you save an AVI file with this codec, the default video player of Windows 10
>> will not be able to play the video. That's a bad thing. However, if I choose
>> another codec from the list, such as "Intel IYUV Codec", playback works.
>> That's the good news.
>> Is there some way to make Kitware VTK 5.8 show only such codecs that work
>> with the default video player of Windows 10?
> I'm not sure what you mean by the "functionality to save the action".
> Could you describe what you are doing? Are you running an example?
> Thanks,
> Cory
>> Best regards,
>> Claus Volko
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