[vtkusers] Inresolved external for QVTKWidget in VTK-8.0.1.

Zoltan Kovacs Zoltan.Kovacs at esi-group.com
Mon Oct 16 10:50:54 EDT 2017

Thanks for the detailed information! It is very useful, especially the 


I inserted it into my project file but I get the error "no override 
found for 'vtkPolyDataMapper'". I guess I must include other switches in 
the shell_quote argument too, such as vtkRenderingVolumeOpenGL or 
something else.


Am 16.10.2017 um 16:10 schrieb Elvis Stansvik:
> 2017-10-16 15:47 GMT+02:00 Zoltan Kovacs <Zoltan.Kovacs at esi-group.com>:
>> In the project settings I set from Debug version to Release version and I
>> can link the porject now. It seems that the VTK Relase libaries cannot be
>> used with Debug version of the QtCreator project. I was not careful enough
>> when I tried to buil the debug version of the Qt app. Thanks a lot for the
>> linker output info!
> Ah, glad to hear it. I started experimenting myself in a Windows VM,
> and came up with this .pro file for my minimal test (the cone example
> adapted to use a QVTKOpenGLWidget promoted from QWidget in the Design
> mode):
> CONFIG += c++11
> QT += core gui widgets
> TEMPLATE = app
> SOURCES += main.cpp mainwindow.cpp
> HEADERS += mainwindow.h
> FORMS += mainwindow.ui
> INCLUDEPATH += C:/Users/Elvis/Dev/VTK-8.0.1-inst/include/vtk-8.0
> DEFINES += vtkRenderingCore_AUTOINIT=$$shell_quote(2(vtkInteractionStyle,vtkRenderingOpenGL2))
> LIBS += -L"C:/Users/Elvis/Dev/VTK-8.0.1-inst/lib"
> LIBS += -lvtkCommonCore-8.0 \
>          -lvtkCommonDataModel-8.0 \
>          -lvtkCommonExecutionModel-8.0 \
>          -lvtkCommonMath-8.0 \
>          -lvtkCommonMisc-8.0 \
>          -lvtkCommonTransforms-8.0 \
>          -lvtkFiltersCore-8.0 \
>          -lvtkFiltersSources-8.0 \
>          -lvtkGUISupportQt-8.0 \
>          -lvtkInteractionStyle-8.0 \
>          -lvtkRenderingCore-8.0 \
>          -lvtkRenderingOpenGL2-8.0
> I think when using QMake, you will have to mess about with the
> initialization of implementation modules [1] in order for the program
> to run, either by using DEFINES like I did above, or using
> VTK_MODULE_INIT. This is something you can get "for free" when using
> CMake.
> I could never run my test app, since the VM (VirtualBox) doesn't have
> a sufficient OpenGL implementation. But it compiled and linked at
> least.
> Elvis
> [1] https://www.vtk.org/Wiki/VTK/Build_System_Migration#How_Implementation_Modules_Are_Initialized
>> Zoltan
>> Am 16.10.2017 um 15:14 schrieb Elvis Stansvik:
>>> 2017-10-16 15:12 GMT+02:00 Zoltan Kovacs <Zoltan.Kovacs at esi-group.com>:
>>>> Unfortunately I cannot find such a file in that folder.  I also searched
>>>> any
>>>> *.jom file there but the linker might have deleted them.
>>> Yes sorry, I just realized that. See my earlier mail about the /U jom
>>> flag.
>>> Elvis
>>>> Zoltan
>>>> Am 16.10.2017 um 13:12 schrieb Elvis Stansvik:
>>>>> 2017-10-16 13:00 GMT+02:00 Zoltan Kovacs <Zoltan.Kovacs at esi-group.com>:
>>>>>> Dear Elvis,
>>>>>> Thanks for the information. I have the files
>>>>>> -lvtkGUISupportQt-8.0 \
>>>>>> -lvtkGUISupportQtSQL-8.0 \
>>>>>> in the library list and the libary path is also given in the project
>>>>>> file
>>>>>> loaded in QtCreator but the compiler cannot resolve the symbol
>>>>>> QVTKOpenGLWidget:
>>>>>> Starte "C:\Qt\Tools\QtCreator\bin\jom.exe"
>>>>>>            C:\Qt\Tools\QtCreator\bin\jom.exe -f Makefile.Debug
>>>>>>            cl -c -nologo -Zc:wchar_t -FS -Zi -MDd -GR -W3 -w34100
>>>>>> -w34189
>>>>>> -w44996 -EHsc /Fddebug\AM_GUI.vc.pdb -DUNICODE -DWIN32 -DLINUX
>>>>>> -DQT_CORE_LIB -I..\AM_GUI -I. -IC:\VTK\8.0.1\include\vtk-8.0
>>>>>> -IC:\Qt\5.8\msvc2013\include
>>>>>> -IC:\Qt\5.8\msvc2013\include\QtPrintSupport
>>>>>> -IC:\Qt\5.8\msvc2013\include\QtWidgets
>>>>>> -IC:\Qt\5.8\msvc2013\include\QtGui
>>>>>> -IC:\Qt\5.8\msvc2013\include\QtANGLE
>>>>>> -IC:\Qt\5.8\msvc2013\include\QtCore
>>>>>> -Idebug -I. -IC:\Qt\5.8\msvc2013\mkspecs\win32-msvc2013 -Fodebug\
>>>>>> @C:\Users\zko\AppData\Local\Temp\distortionpage.obj.8900.125.jom
>>>>>> distortionpage.cpp
>>>>>> "/MANIFESTDEPENDENCY:type='win32'
>>>>>> name='Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls'
>>>>>> version='' publicKeyToken='6595b64144ccf1df' language='*'
>>>>>> processorArchitecture='*'" /MANIFEST:embed /OUT:debug\AM_GUI.exe
>>>>>> @C:\Users\zko\AppData\Local\Temp\AM_GUI.exe.8900.4259.jom
>>>>> I think in order to shorten the linker command line and not exceed
>>>>> command line length limits, qmake is using a "Linker Response File"
>>>>> (using @), so I think you have to look into
>>>>>        C:\Users\zko\AppData\Local\Temp\AM_GUI.exe.8900.4259.jom
>>>>> to see the full list of linker arguments.
>>>>> Would be interesting to see the contents of that file.
>>>>> Elvis
>>>>>> distortionpage.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol
>>>>>> "__declspec(dllimport) public: __thiscall
>>>>>> QVTKOpenGLWidget::QVTKOpenGLWidget(class QWidget *,class QFlags<enum
>>>>>> Qt::WindowType>)"
>>>>>> (__imp_??0QVTKOpenGLWidget@@QAE at PAVQWidget@@V?$QFlags at W4WindowType@Qt@@@@@Z)
>>>>>> referenced in function "public: void __thiscall
>>>>>> Ui_DistortionPage::setupUi(class QWidget *)"
>>>>>> (?setupUi at Ui_DistortionPage@@QAEXPAVQWidget@@@Z)
>>>>>> It seems that the compiler switches contain the include path for VTK
>>>>>> but
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> library path and the libraries for VTK are missing from the linker
>>>>>> options.
>>>>>> I guess it must be a qmake issue. Thanks anyway.
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> Zoltan
>>>>>> Am 16.10.2017 um 11:59 schrieb Elvis Stansvik:
>>>>>>> 2017-10-16 11:39 GMT+02:00 Zoltan Kovacs
>>>>>>> <Zoltan.Kovacs at esi-group.com>:
>>>>>>>> Dear Dan,
>>>>>>>> In QtCreator I added a QWidget to the UI form and used "Promote to
>>>>>>>> ..."
>>>>>>>> QVTKOpenGLWidget class for it. I also included QVTKOpenGLWidget.h in
>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>> header file of the application. However, when linking the source I
>>>>>>>> get
>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>> error message
>>>>>>>> distortionpage.obj:-1: Fehler: LNK2019: unresolved external symbol
>>>>>>>> "__declspec(dllimport) public: __thiscall
>>>>>>>> QVTKOpenGLWidget::QVTKOpenGLWidget(class QWidget *,class QFlags<enum
>>>>>>>> Qt::WindowType>)"
>>>>>>>> (__imp_??0QVTKOpenGLWidget@@QAE at PAVQWidget@@V?$QFlags at W4WindowType@Qt@@@@@Z)
>>>>>>>> referenced in function "public: void __thiscall
>>>>>>>> Ui_DistortionPage::setupUi(class QWidget *)"
>>>>>>>> (?setupUi at Ui_DistortionPage@@QAEXPAVQWidget@@@Z)
>>>>>>>> It seems that the MSVC2013 linker cannot find the library of
>>>>>>>> QVTKOpenGLWidget. I searched a library file with a similar name in
>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>> folder where CMake generated the VTK libraries with Qt support but I
>>>>>>>> could
>>>>>>>> not find it. I am just wondering if it is missing or some other
>>>>>>>> library
>>>>>>>> file
>>>>>>>> with a completely different name contains this symbol.
>>>>>>> The class is part of the vtkGUISupportQt library (on Windows the files
>>>>>>> would be vtkGUISupportQt-8.0.lib/dll).
>>>>>>> We're using the "promote" functionality in Qt Creator's Design mode to
>>>>>>> promote a widget to our custom QVTKOpenGLWidget subclass. It should
>>>>>>> work fine to promote to it directly.
>>>>>>> Elvis
>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>> Zoltan
>>>>>>>> Am 10.10.2017 um 19:23 schrieb Dan Lipsa:
>>>>>>>>> In Qt Designer you should be able to use QVTKOpenGLWidget by adding
>>>>>>>>> first
>>>>>>>>> a QOpenGLWidget and then 'Promote to ...' a QVTKOpenGLWidget. So you
>>>>>>>>> can
>>>>>>>>> build the UI of your Qt application this way.
>>>>>>>>> I am not sure what is needed for QtCreator. I don't use that.
>>>>>>>>> Hope this helps,
>>>>>>>>> Dan
>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Oct 10, 2017 at 10:59 AM, Zoltan Kovacs
>>>>>>>>> <Zoltan.Kovacs at esi-group.com <mailto:Zoltan.Kovacs at esi-group.com>>
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>         Dear Mike,
>>>>>>>>>         Thank you very much for your prompt answer. As I wrote to
>>>>>>>>> Dan,
>>>>>>>>> we
>>>>>>>>>         have to use QtCreator for the development here. Then I have
>>>>>>>>> access
>>>>>>>>>         only for qmake and I can edit project files for it. If
>>>>>>>>>         QVTKOpenGLWidget is the only VTK widget class supported for
>>>>>>>>> Qt5
>>>>>>>>> then
>>>>>>>>>         I ave to find out how to insert such an object into the UI
>>>>>>>>> form
>>>>>>>>> file
>>>>>>>>>         of QT.
>>>>>>>>>         Kind regards,
>>>>>>>>>         Zoltan
>>>>>>>>>         Am 10.10.2017 um 16:48 schrieb Mike Chinander:
>>>>>>>>>             Also, when working with VTK, it will be a lot easier to
>>>>>>>>> switch
>>>>>>>>>             to using CMake instead of Qt project files (QtCreator
>>>>>>>>> supports
>>>>>>>>>             CMake). Look at the examples Dan linked to. You will have
>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>             update the CMakelists.txt file for Qt. You will probably
>>>>>>>>> have
>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>             add the following:
>>>>>>>>>             FIND_PACKAGE(Qt5Core REQUIRED)
>>>>>>>>>             FIND_PACKAGE(Qt5Widgets REQUIRED)
>>>>>>>>>             and update the target_link_libraries line(add
>>>>>>>>> Qt5::Widget) ,
>>>>>>>>> e.g.,:
>>>>>>>>>             target_link_libraries(QtBarChart Qt5::Widgets
>>>>>>>>> ${VTK_LIBRARIES})
>>>>>>>>>             On Tue, Oct 10, 2017 at 9:33 AM, Dan Lipsa
>>>>>>>>>             <dan.lipsa at kitware.com <mailto:dan.lipsa at kitware.com>
>>>>>>>>>             <mailto:dan.lipsa at kitware.com
>>>>>>>>> <mailto:dan.lipsa at kitware.com>>>
>>>>>>>>>             wrote:
>>>>>>>>>                  Zoltan,
>>>>>>>>>                  This is unrelated to the error you are seeing
>>>>>>>>> however:
>>>>>>>>>                  For Qt5 you'll need to use QVTKOpenGLWidget rather
>>>>>>>>> than
>>>>>>>>>             QVTKWidget.  See
>>>>>>>>>             https://lorensen.github.io/VTKExamples/site/Cxx/
>>>>>>>>>             <https://lorensen.github.io/VTKExamples/site/Cxx/>
>>>>>>>>>                  <https://lorensen.github.io/VTKExamples/site/Cxx/
>>>>>>>>>             <https://lorensen.github.io/VTKExamples/site/Cxx/>>
>>>>>>>>>                  All examples are converted to Qt5. Also, VTK master
>>>>>>>>> has
>>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>>>             number of
>>>>>>>>>                  examples that have been converted to Qt5:
>>>>>>>>> Examples/GUI/Qt
>>>>>>>>>                  Hope this helps,
>>>>>>>>>                  Dan
>>>>>>>>>                  On Tue, Oct 10, 2017 at 10:10 AM, Zoltan Kovacs
>>>>>>>>>                  <Zoltan.Kovacs at esi-group.com
>>>>>>>>>             <mailto:Zoltan.Kovacs at esi-group.com>
>>>>>>>>>             <mailto:Zoltan.Kovacs at esi-group.com
>>>>>>>>>             <mailto:Zoltan.Kovacs at esi-group.com>>>
>>>>>>>>>                  wrote:
>>>>>>>>>                      Dear all,
>>>>>>>>>                      In CMake I generated a solution project of
>>>>>>>>> VTK-8.0.1
>>>>>>>>>             with Qt5
>>>>>>>>>                      support for MSVS2013. After having run the
>>>>>>>>> ALL_BUILD
>>>>>>>>>             and INSTALL
>>>>>>>>>                      projects with the install prefix C:\VTK\8.0.1 in
>>>>>>>>> VM2013
>>>>>>>>>             I could
>>>>>>>>>                      installed the Win32 bit binaries of VTK 8.0.1 in
>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>>             folder.
>>>>>>>>>                      The header files and the libraries are located
>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>                      C:\VTK\8.0.1\include\vtk-8.0   and
>>>>>>>>>                      C:\VTK\8.0.1\lib.
>>>>>>>>>                      I copied the file QVTKWidgetPlugin.dll from the
>>>>>>>>> VTK
>>>>>>>>> binary
>>>>>>>>>                      folders to the plugin folder of QTCreator, which
>>>>>>>>> uses
>>>>>>>>>             QT 5.8
>>>>>>>>>                      msvs2013 32 bit version.
>>>>>>>>>                      Then I set the include and library paths and
>>>>>>>>> added
>>>>>>>>> all
>>>>>>>>>             the VTK
>>>>>>>>>                      libary files from C:\VTK\8.0.1\lib for the
>>>>>>>>> linker
>>>>>>>>>             setting in the
>>>>>>>>>                      project file
>>>>>>>>>                      of a QT application in QtCreator:
>>>>>>>>>                      INCLUDEPATH += C:\VTK\8.0.1\include\vtk-8.0
>>>>>>>>>                      LIBS += -LC:\VTK\8.0.1\lib
>>>>>>>>>                      LIBS += -lvtkRenderingLabel-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkRenderingLOD-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkRenderingOpenGL2-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkRenderingQt-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkRenderingVolume-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkRenderingVolumeOpenGL2-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtksqlite-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtksys-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkTestingGenericBridge-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkTestingIOSQL-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkTestingRendering-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtktiff-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkverdict-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkViewsContext2D-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkViewsCore-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkViewsInfovis-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkViewsQt-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkzlib-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkalglib-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkChartsCore-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkCommonColor-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkCommonComputationalGeometry-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkCommonCore-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkCommonDataModel-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkCommonExecutionModel-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkCommonMath-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkCommonMisc-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkCommonSystem-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkCommonTransforms-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkDICOMParser-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkDomainsChemistry-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkDomainsChemistryOpenGL2-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkexoIIc-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkexpat-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkFiltersAMR-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkFiltersCore-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkFiltersExtraction-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkFiltersFlowPaths-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkFiltersGeneral-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkFiltersGeneric-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkFiltersGeometry-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkFiltersHybrid-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkFiltersHyperTree-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkFiltersImaging-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkFiltersModeling-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkFiltersParallel-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkFiltersParallelImaging-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkFiltersPoints-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkFiltersProgrammable-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkFiltersSelection-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkFiltersSMP-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkFiltersSources-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkFiltersStatistics-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkFiltersTexture-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkFiltersTopology-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkFiltersVerdict-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkfreetype-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkGeovisCore-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkgl2ps-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkglew-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkGUISupportQt-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkGUISupportQtSQL-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkhdf5_hl-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkhdf5-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkImagingColor-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkImagingCore-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkImagingFourier-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkImagingGeneral-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkImagingHybrid-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkImagingMath-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkImagingMorphological-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkImagingSources-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkImagingStatistics-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkImagingStencil-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkInfovisCore-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkInfovisLayout-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkInteractionImage-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkInteractionStyle-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkInteractionWidgets-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkIOAMR-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkIOCore-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkIOEnSight-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkIOExodus-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkIOExport-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkIOExportOpenGL2-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkIOGeometry-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkIOImage-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkIOImport-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkIOInfovis-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkIOLegacy-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkIOLSDyna-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkIOMINC-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkIOMovie-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkIONetCDF-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkIOParallel-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkIOParallelXML-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkIOPLY-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkIOSQL-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkIOTecplotTable-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkIOVideo-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkIOXML-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkIOXMLParser-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkjpeg-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkjsoncpp-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtklibharu-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtklibxml2-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkLocalExample-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtklz4-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkmetaio-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtknetcdf_c++ \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkNetCDF-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkoggtheora-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkParallelCore-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkpng-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkproj4-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkRenderingAnnotation-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkRenderingContext2D-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkRenderingContextOpenGL2-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkRenderingCore-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkRenderingFreeType-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkRenderingGL2PSOpenGL2-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      -lvtkRenderingImage-8.0 \
>>>>>>>>>                      However, if I add a QVTKWidget on the UI file of
>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>                      application, include the file QVTKWidget.h in
>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>             header file of
>>>>>>>>>                      the application and I try to link it in
>>>>>>>>> QtCreator
>>>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>                      32-bit VTK and Qt libraries, MSVS2013 (in the
>>>>>>>>> toolchain
>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>                      QtCreator) sends error messages for unresolved
>>>>>>>>> external
>>>>>>>>>             symbols
>>>>>>>>>                      for all the functions/classes belonging to the
>>>>>>>>>             QVTKWidget, such as
>>>>>>>>>                      distortionpage.obj:-1: Fehler: LNK2019:
>>>>>>>>> unresolved
>>>>>>>>> external
>>>>>>>>>                      symbol "__declspec(dllimport) public: __thiscall
>>>>>>>>>                      QVTKWidget::QVTKWidget(class QWidget *,class
>>>>>>>>> QFlags<enum
>>>>>>>>>                      Qt::WindowType>)"
>>>>>>>>> (__imp_??0QVTKWidget@@QAE at PAVQWidget@@V?$QFlags at W4WindowType@Qt@@@@@Z)
>>>>>>>>>                      referenced in function "public: void __thiscall
>>>>>>>>>                      Ui_DistortionPage::setupUi(class QWidget *)"
>>>>>>>>>                      (?setupUi at Ui_DistortionPage@@QAEXPAVQWidget@@@Z)
>>>>>>>>>                      It seems that the linker could not find the
>>>>>>>>> libary
>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>                      QVTKWidget plugin, which is loaded since I could
>>>>>>>>> chose
>>>>>>>>>             QtWidget
>>>>>>>>>                      from the widget list in the UI form editor in
>>>>>>>>>             QtCreator. I do
>>>>>>>>>                      not see any ABI issue here since I use the 32
>>>>>>>>> bit
>>>>>>>>> mscv2103
>>>>>>>>>                      version of Qt and I also compiled and linked the
>>>>>>>>> 32
>>>>>>>>> bit
>>>>>>>>>             version
>>>>>>>>>                      of VTK libaries and plugin files with MSVS2013.
>>>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>>>> am
>>>>>>>>>             wondering
>>>>>>>>>                      if anybody could make VTK-8.1 working with Qt.
>>>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>>>             lot.
>>>>>>>>>                      Kind regars,
>>>>>>>>>                      Zoltan
>>>>>>>>>                      Regards,
>>>>>>>>>                      Zoltan
>>>>>>>>>                      Am 09.10.2017 um 07:34 schrieb support at qt.io
>>>>>>>>>             <mailto:support at qt.io> <mailto:support at qt.io
>>>>>>>>>             <mailto:support at qt.io>>:
>>>>>>>>>                          Hi Zoltan,
>>>>>>>>>                          I don't know how the widget should be
>>>>>>>>> installed
>>>>>>>>> or
>>>>>>>>>             set up in
>>>>>>>>>                          a project, but you could just search for the
>>>>>>>>> header
>>>>>>>>>             file and
>>>>>>>>>                          point INCLUDEPATH to the folder that
>>>>>>>>> contains
>>>>>>>>> it.
>>>>>>>>>                          Regards,
>>>>>>>>>                          Joni
>>>>>>>>>                          On 06 October 2017 at 18:26:00 EEST
>>>>>>>>>             Zoltan.Kovacs at esi-group.com
>>>>>>>>> <mailto:Zoltan.Kovacs at esi-group.com>
>>>>>>>>>                          <mailto:Zoltan.Kovacs at esi-group.com
>>>>>>>>>             <mailto:Zoltan.Kovacs at esi-group.com>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>                              Hi Joni,
>>>>>>>>>                              I see. However I found MSCV2013 32 bit
>>>>>>>>> version
>>>>>>>>>             for Qt
>>>>>>>>>                              5.8. I install
>>>>>>>>>                              that version and I built the VTK
>>>>>>>>> binaries
>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>> win32
>>>>>>>>>                              platform with
>>>>>>>>>                              MVS2013. After having copied the VTK
>>>>>>>>> plugin
>>>>>>>>>             file into
>>>>>>>>>                              the plugin folder
>>>>>>>>>                              of QtCreator I could launch it
>>>>>>>>> successfully.
>>>>>>>>> The
>>>>>>>>>                              QVTKWidget is in the
>>>>>>>>>                              Widget list of QtCreator now. I could
>>>>>>>>> insert a
>>>>>>>>>                              QVTKWidget in the UI form
>>>>>>>>>                              as well. The only problem now is that
>>>>>>>>> QtCreator
>>>>>>>>>             cannot
>>>>>>>>>                              find the header
>>>>>>>>>                              file for QVTKWidget. It is not cleat how
>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>> set
>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>                              INCLUDEPATH in the
>>>>>>>>>                              project file since VS2103 did not create
>>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>>> separate
>>>>>>>>>                              include folder in
>>>>>>>>>                              the target folder C:/VTK/bin for the VTK
>>>>>>>>>             binaries. Only
>>>>>>>>>                              the library
>>>>>>>>>                              files have a separate folder,
>>>>>>>>>             C:/VTK/bin/lib/Release.
>>>>>>>>>                              Regards,
>>>>>>>>>                              Zoltan
>>>>>>>>>                              Am 06.10.2017 um 12:08 schrieb
>>>>>>>>> support at qt.io
>>>>>>>>>             <mailto:support at qt.io>
>>>>>>>>>                              <mailto:support at qt.io
>>>>>>>>> <mailto:support at qt.io>>:
>>>>>>>>>                                  Hi Zoltan,
>>>>>>>>>                                  On 06 October 2017 at 13:00:00 EEST
>>>>>>>>>             Zoltan.Kovacs at esi-group.com
>>>>>>>>> <mailto:Zoltan.Kovacs at esi-group.com>
>>>>>>>>>                                  <mailto:Zoltan.Kovacs at esi-group.com
>>>>>>>>>             <mailto:Zoltan.Kovacs at esi-group.com>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>                                      Hi Joni,
>>>>>>>>>                                      Thank you very much for your
>>>>>>>>> answer.
>>>>>>>>>             Then I try
>>>>>>>>>                                      to install everything
>>>>>>>>>                                      from scratch. The only prolem is
>>>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>>>> have
>>>>>>>>>             only
>>>>>>>>>                                      MSVC 2103 and the only
>>>>>>>>>                                      option in the selection list of
>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>> online
>>>>>>>>>                                      installer for MSVC 2013 is
>>>>>>>>>                                      the 64 bit version. Is there
>>>>>>>>> somewhere
>>>>>>>>> an
>>>>>>>>>                                      installer on your website wich
>>>>>>>>>                                      provides a relatively new Qt
>>>>>>>>> version
>>>>>>>>>             with MSVC
>>>>>>>>>                                      2103 32 bit version?
>>>>>>>>>                                      Thank you very much for your
>>>>>>>>> help.
>>>>>>>>>                                  No, but you could compile it from
>>>>>>>>> source
>>>>>>>>>             yourself.
>>>>>>>>>                                  However, note that you cannot build
>>>>>>>>> plugins
>>>>>>>>>             for new
>>>>>>>>>                                  Qt Creator with MSVC 2013 as it uses
>>>>>>>>>             different ABI.
>>>>>>>>>                                  You could use MSVC 2015 or MSVC
>>>>>>>>> 2017.
>>>>>>>>>                                  Or you could build 64bit version of
>>>>>>>>> Qt
>>>>>>>>>             Creator from
>>>>>>>>>                                  source with that Qt version you have
>>>>>>>>> installed.
>>>>>>>>>                                  Regards,
>>>>>>>>>                                  Joni
>>>>>>>>>                                  --
>>>>>>>>>                                  Joni Poikelin
>>>>>>>>>                                  Software Engineer,
>>>>>>>>>                                  The Qt Company
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                                  FAQs -
>>>>>>>>>             https://wiki.qt.io/KnowledgeBase:SupportFAQ
>>>>>>>>>             <https://wiki.qt.io/KnowledgeBase:SupportFAQ>
>>>>>>>>> <https://wiki.qt.io/KnowledgeBase:SupportFAQ
>>>>>>>>>             <https://wiki.qt.io/KnowledgeBase:SupportFAQ>>
>>>>>>>>>                          --
>>>>>>>>>                          Joni Poikelin
>>>>>>>>>                          Software Engineer,
>>>>>>>>>                          The Qt Company
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                          FAQs -
>>>>>>>>> https://wiki.qt.io/KnowledgeBase:SupportFAQ
>>>>>>>>>             <https://wiki.qt.io/KnowledgeBase:SupportFAQ>
>>>>>>>>>                          <https://wiki.qt.io/KnowledgeBase:SupportFAQ
>>>>>>>>>             <https://wiki.qt.io/KnowledgeBase:SupportFAQ>>
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