[vtkusers] Install of vtkMPEG2 Encoder.

Zoltan Kovacs Zoltan.Kovacs at esi-group.com
Tue Dec 12 12:05:16 EST 2017

Hi All,

I have built vtkmpeg2encode from source in the directory /home/zko/vtkmpeg2encode, which contains the shared object libvtkMPEG2Encode.so and the header files.
Then I set  the cmake variables VTK_USE_MPEG2_ENCODER to ON, vtkMPEG2Encode_INCLUDE_PATH to /home/zko/vtkmpeg2encode and  vtkMPEG2Encode_LIBRARIES to  /home/zko/vtkmpeg2encode/ libvtkMPEG2Encode.so and built and install VTK. However,   when checking the files cmake_install.cmake and install_manifest.txt, I could not find vtkMPEG2Writer.h  among the installed header files. It seems cmake did not built the mpeg encoder library even if the file CMakeCache.txt contains the lines
vtkMPEG2Encode_LIBRARIES:STRING=/home/zko/vtkmpeg2encode/ libvtkMPEG2Encode.so.
Is there any step missing from the building and installing process of the mpeg2 encoder?

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