[vtkusers] Cannot recover user defined vtkInformation from vtkUnstructuredGrid

scotsman60 doug at beachmailing.com
Sun Dec 3 20:06:04 EST 2017


Thanks for this suggestion - unfortunately it doesn't seem to work.

I have never found recreating a key with exactly the same parameters to work
and (I think there's a post on here about this). I always introspect the
vtkInformation object, get the keys and then use the keys recovered form the
vtkInformation to get the values,

                info = self.mesh.GetCellData().GetArray(i).GetInformation()
                info_iterator = vtk.vtkInformationIterator()
                info_iterator.InitTraversal ()
                key = info_iterator.GetCurrentKey()
                quantity= info.Get(key)

David Gobbi wrote
> Before you load the data, re-make the keys so that VTK will register them
> as valid keys:
> quantity_key = keys.MakeKey(vtk.vtkInformationStringKey, "Quantity", "1")
> increment_key = keys.MakeKey(vtk.vtkInformationIntegerKey, "Increment",
> "2")
> # the keys are defined now, so you should be able to load the data
> On Sun, Dec 3, 2017 at 4:00 PM, scotsman60 <

> doug@

> > wrote:
>> Hello!!
>> I'm using the Python API to vtk and I'm unable to import custom
>> vtkInformation from a vtkUnstructuredGrid.
>> First of all I'm associating custom information to CellData in a
>> vtkUnstructuredGrid using the following code - where self.mesh is the
>> vtkUnstructuredGrid
>>     #Add the information keys
>>     info = densityScalars.GetInformation()
>>     # First the Quantity type
>>     quantity_key = keys.MakeKey(vtk.vtkInformationStringKey, "Quantity",
>> "1")
>>     quantity_key.Set(info, "Topology Density")
>>     #Now the Increment number
>>     increment_key = keys.MakeKey(vtk.vtkInformationIntegerKey,
>> "Increment",
>> "2")
>>     increment_key.Set(info, increment)
>>     #Add the array to the mesh
>>     self.mesh.GetCellData().AddArray(densityScalars)
>> Later I save the vtkUnstructuredGrid using vtkUnstructuredGridWriter,
>> then
>> Import it into a new Python session (Basically my program uses the
>> vtkUnstructuredGrid as its persistence mechanism.........)
>> When I read the grid using vtkUnstructuredGridReader I get a whole bunch
>> of
>> warnings from vtk
>>     Warning: In ..\IO\Legacy\vtkDataReader.cxx, line 2668
>>     vtkUnstructuredGridReader (00000000044D7520): Could not locate key
>> 2::Increment. Is the module
>>     in which it is defined linked?
>>     Warning: In ..\IO\Legacy\vtkDataReader.cxx, line 2907
>>     vtkUnstructuredGridReader (00000000044D7520): Ignoring line in
>>     Warning: In ..\IO\Legacy\vtkDataReader.cxx, line 2668
>>     vtkUnstructuredGridReader (00000000044D7520): Could not locate key
>> 2::Increment. Is the module
>>     in which it is defined linked?
>>     Warning: In ..\IO\Legacy\vtkDataReader.cxx, line 2907
>>     vtkUnstructuredGridReader (00000000044D7520): Ignoring line in
>>     Warning: In ..\IO\Legacy\vtkDataReader.cxx, line 2668
>>     vtkUnstructuredGridReader (00000000044D7520): Could not locate key
>> 1::Quantity. Is the module in
>>     which it is defined linked?
>>     Warning: In ..\IO\Legacy\vtkDataReader.cxx, line 2907
>>     vtkUnstructuredGridReader (00000000044D7520): Ignoring line in
>>     Topology%20Density
>> Any ideas on what's going on here?
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Doug
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