[vtkusers] Save as vtu
Mathieu Westphal
mathieu.westphal at kitware.com
Fri Apr 28 08:42:18 EDT 2017
Please refer to Andy answer, you can save as .vtm.
Mathieu Westphal
On Fri, Apr 28, 2017 at 12:34 PM, houssen <houssen at ipgp.fr> wrote:
> OK, so there is no way to convert stl or xmf to vtu ?...
> Le 2017-04-27 9:51, houssen a écrit :
>> Forgot to attach the files !
>> Franck
>> Le 2017-04-27 9:50, houssen a écrit :
>>> Hi,
>>> First let me describe a bit more the need behind this (to answer
>>> Andy's question). I need to visualize some data: I decided to use a
>>> vtkUnstructuredGrid as a starting point (because it seems more
>>> flexible: you can describe all kind of meshes with that, not only
>>> specific ones). For very simple cases, I can build my
>>> vtkUnstructuredGrid myself and do stuffs I need to do with it: that's
>>> OK. For more complex cases, I would like to use some external data
>>> (stl or xmf for instance): this means I need to build a
>>> vtkUnstructuredGrid from stl or xmf (or ideally from any other
>>> format). So I was like : "OK, let's try to use the
>>> vtkUnstructuredGridReader" (hoping this reader could read any format
>>> and convert it to a vtkUnstructuredGrid). It turns out that
>>> vtkUnstructuredGridReader is only for vtu, right ? Not such a big deal
>>> anyway if I can convert stl/xmf to vtu: as I didn't succeed to do that
>>> in paraview, I sent this mail.
>>> Now to answer your questions/remarks:
>>> 1. The xmf defines a multiblock: yes, I noticed that. I already tried
>>> to save as vtm (proposed in the GUI - there was no vtu format
>>> available at this step) and get what you said David. But the problem
>>> is that when I read the vtm with vtkUnstructuredGridReader, I get :
>>> "vtkUnstructuredGridReader (0x55cf2916cc00): Unrecognized file type:
>>> <VTKFile type="vtkMultiBlockDataSet" version="1.0"
>>> byte_order="LittleEndian" header_type="UInt64"> for file:
>>> tstXmfFEM.vtm"
>>> 2. I didn't know about the merge blocks filter. I used it: now the
>>> "save as" GUI propose to save as vtu. I save as vtu but when I read it
>>> with vtkUnstructuredGridReader, I get : "vtkUnstructuredGridReader
>>> (0x5650aee5ec00): Unrecognized file type: <VTKFile
>>> type="UnstructuredGrid" version="1.0" byte_order="LittleEndian"
>>> header_type="UInt64"> for file: tstXmfFEM.vtu"
>>> 3. How to convert a stl to vtu ?
>>> Franck
>>> Note: I use Paraview-5.1.0 and VTK-7.1.0 (does this trigger version
>>> related problems ?)
>>> Note: to read with vtkUnstructuredGridreader, I basically do
>>> reader->SetFileName(), then reader->Update(), then reader->GetOutput()
>>> Le 2017-04-26 19:03, David E DeMarle a écrit :
>>>> Adding to what Andy said.
>>>> In this case the xdmf file defines a multiblock with three
>>>> unstructured grids underneath it. Each of your unstructured grids
>>>> happens to have just one cell in it. When you save as vtm, you will
>>>> get a top level .vtm defining the collection, and a directory with
>>>> three .vtu files, one for each block.
>>>> David E DeMarle
>>>> Kitware, Inc.
>>>> R&D Engineer
>>>> 21 Corporate Drive
>>>> Clifton Park, NY 12065-8662
>>>> Phone: 518-881-4909
>>>> On Wed, Apr 26, 2017 at 12:55 PM, Andy Bauer <andy.bauer at kitware.com
>>>> [12]> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>>> The vtu format is for unstructured (non-multiblock) grids. For
>>>>> multiblock grids like the ones read in from an xmf file you will
>>>>> need to convert it to an unstructured grid. You an use the Merge
>>>>> Blocks filter to do that.
>>>>> Is there a strong reason for saving it as a vtu file? It sounds
>>>>> like there are better file formats available for your data set.
>>>>> Andy
>>>>> On Wed, Apr 26, 2017 at 12:24 PM, houssen <houssen at ipgp.fr [6]>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> In paraview, I open a xmf file, I would like to export it as vtu
>>>>>> (to read it later on with vtkUnstructuredGridReader): neither
>>>>>> "save data" nor "export scene" allows this (save data suggest the
>>>>>> .vtm format but it turns out that vtm can not be read later on by
>>>>>> vtkUnstructuredGridReader as vtu is expected - I guess ?). Same
>>>>>> problem when opening a stl file in paraview: can not export it as
>>>>>> vtu.
>>>>>> How can I export a xmf/stl fle as vtu ? Do I need a (existing ?)
>>>>>> plugin ? If yes, which one ? Is there a work around ? Or is this
>>>>> a
>>>>>> dead end ?
>>>>>> Franck
>>>>>> PS: I have paraview-5.1.0, should I compile a newer version ?
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