[vtkusers] Access violation only when using VTK through Unreal Engine 4.

Magnus Elden magnus_elden at hotmail.com
Sun Jul 31 17:48:53 EDT 2016

Thank you for this.


That really makes the search space smaller. 




From: Sankhesh Jhaveri [mailto:sankhesh.jhaveri at kitware.com] 
Sent: Sunday, 31 July, 2016 06:23
To: Magnus Elden <magnus_elden at hotmail.com>
Cc: vtkusers at vtk.org
Subject: Re: [vtkusers] Access violation only when using VTK through Unreal Engine 4.




The error "No override found" means that VTK's object factory mechanism could not instantiate the right OpenGL class (vtkOpenGLRayCastImageDisplayHelper, in this case) for the super class used (vtkRayCastImageDisplayHelper, in this case). 


Check to see that UE4 is creating the right OpenGL context and if there are any GLEW errors when instantiating the render window.





On Fri, Jul 29, 2016 at 10:53 AM, Magnus Elden <magnus_elden at hotmail.com <mailto:magnus_elden at hotmail.com> > wrote:

Access violation - code c0000005 (first/second chance not available)






UE4Editor_ViveTest_3713!vtkSmartPointer<vtkSmartVolumeMapper>::New() [c:\users\noobsdesroobs\documents\unreal projects\vivetest\thirdparty\vtk\include\vtk-7.0\vtksmartpointer.h:117]

UE4Editor_ViveTest_3713!AVTKVolumeActor::Render() [c:\users\noobsdesroobs\documents\unreal projects\vivetest\source\vivetest\vtkvolumeactor.cpp:118]


This is the error I get when I execute this code:

       // Process each file on the command line

       vtkSmartPointer<vtkImageData> imageData =


       vtkSmartPointer<vtkXMLImageDataReader> reader =






       vtkSmartPointer<vtkSmartVolumeMapper> volumeMapper = vtkSmartPointer<vtkSmartVolumeMapper>::New();


It fails at the last line.


What makes me wonder why I get the error above is that it works when I am using this code in a standalone project just fine and that the New() static function has been used and did not crash.

I built the library from the VTK 7.0 source using VC14 and then included it as normal in my UE4 project. However, the UE4 project crashes with this error being printed to terminal:




I have no idea why it is talking about the source file and I have no idea why it works outside the UE4 environment and not inside. 

Naturally, that should mean that the problem lies with UE4, but I have used other libraries just fine and I managed to run the code above if I removed the last line. I also know why such an exception is thrown, but I don’t see why it is thrown when the include path, lib path and lib files are all the same. 


Thank you for your help.



Magnus Elden

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