[vtkusers] best_way_of_writing_transient_multiblocks(unstructured grid dataSets)

Giorgos Ragkousis giorgosragos at gmail.com
Thu Jan 7 07:53:10 EST 2016

Dear vtkusers,

I am trying to develop an efficient method for writing different vtk
unstructured grid datasets which change with time in a single vtk file.

In particular, we have an in-house Boundary Element solver and we would
like to save element and node information (unstructured grid DataSets) in a
single file. Then, by using vtk methods we would like to visualise the

The main question I would like to ask is whether any of you have developed
similar vtk applications and what would be the optimal way. I found that
multiblocks can be saved in either exodus or vtm file. What is the
difference? Is there any other way?

How could I save different time steps of these multiblocks? Is there any
simple example of creating such a file? Moreover, I found that
vtkHierrarchicalBoxDataSet is for Adaptive Meshing. Is there any example?

Lastly, how I could extract a specific block from a multiblock by giving
its name. In the following code I have managed to extract a certain block
by giving its index only. Is it possible to call a block from each name?

>        private void MultiBlockDisplay()
>         {
>             string path;
>             string domainName;
>             string fileName;
>             vtkRenderer ren = vtkRenderer.New();
>             ren.SetBackground(0.2, 0.3, 0.4);
>             vtkRenderWindow renWin = renderWindowControl1.RenderWindow;
>             renWin.AddRenderer(ren);
>             vtkRenderWindowInteractor iren =
> vtkRenderWindowInteractor.New();
>             iren.SetRenderWindow(renWin);
>             uint number = 2;
>             vtkMultiBlockDataSet mbset = vtkMultiBlockDataSet.New();
>             mbset.SetNumberOfBlocks(number);
>             for (uint i = 0; i < number; i++)
>             {
>                 vtkUnstructuredGridReader reader =
> vtkUnstructuredGridReader.New();
>                 path = @"C:\\A_directory\\";
>                 domainName = "MultiBlock_" + i.ToString();
>                 fileName = path + domainName + ".vtk";
>                 reader.SetFileName(fileName);
>                 reader.SetReadAllScalars(1);
>                 reader.SetReadAllVectors(1);
>                 reader.Update();
>                 mbset.SetBlock(i, reader.GetOutput());
>                 mbset.GetMetaData(i).Set(vtkCompositeDataSet.NAME(),
> domainName);
>                 //The following bit prints the name for each block
>                 string nameDOM =
> mbset.GetMetaData(i).Get(vtkCompositeDataSet.NAME());
>                 Debug.Print(nameDOM);
>             }
>             vtkUnstructuredGrid ug =
> vtkUnstructuredGrid.SafeDownCast(mbset.GetBlock(1));
>             vtkDataSetMapper mapper = vtkDataSetMapper.New();
>             mapper.SetInput(ug);
>             vtkActor actor = vtkActor.New();
>             actor.SetMapper(mapper);
>             ren.AddActor(actor);
>             ren.SetBackground(0.2, 0.3, 0.4);
>         }

Many thanks in advance.

Kindest regards,

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