[vtkusers] Mappers and vtkLookupTable

David Gobbi david.gobbi at gmail.com
Tue Feb 16 14:20:28 EST 2016

Hi Allen,

You are correct, vtkLookupTable does not provide a way of doing this.

I'm not sure what work-arounds there are for geometry, but for images
you can map the RGB and A separately, and then combine them into
RGBA with vtkImageAppendComponents.

 - David

On Tue, Feb 16, 2016 at 11:48 AM, Allen Sanderson <allen at sci.utah.edu>

> Hello,
> We are trying to render geometry using a lookup table for the RGB value
> using one scalar variable, but we want to use a secondary scalar variable
> for determining the opacity.  Something like the following:
> RGB -> variable one
> A -> variable two
> In looking through the VTK 6 documentation on mappers we have not found
> anything that leads us to believe this functionality is possible. But we
> have done an exhaustive search.
> If it is possible we would greatly appreciate pointers. Thanks.
> Cheers,
> Allen
> Allen Sanderson
> SCI Institute
> University of Utah
> www.sci.utah.edu
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