[vtkusers] Relative Rotation with VTK Transform

Lonni Besançon lonni.besancon at gmail.com
Tue Feb 16 10:55:44 EST 2016

Hi David, 

Thanks for your interest.
I actually figured it out a few hours ago, but I'm still stuck there.

Indeed, I can get the rotation that I want to perform in the form that
RotateWXYZ takes (angle in degrees, axis).
However, when I perform the rotation that way, using the values I have, I
have the problem that my dataset is not rotating according to the rotation I
perform on tablet i.e:
When I start, my dataset is aligned with the tablet, rotating around the
x-axis performs a x-axis rotation of the dataset and so on for other axis.
However, when I rotate first around an other axis and then perform a x-axis
rotation of the tablet, the dataset gets rotated along an other axis (which
is none of the tablet's axis). This led me to think that the order in which
the rotation were performed was not good, so I tried again changing Post to
Pre multiply but it did not change anything.

Not sure my explanations are really clear here. Hope you understand.

View this message in context: http://vtk.1045678.n5.nabble.com/Relative-Rotation-with-VTK-Transform-tp5736566p5736588.html
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