[vtkusers] Hide non visible labels on a 3d model

Fernando Nellmeldin f.nellmeldin at open-engineering.com
Mon Feb 1 04:59:45 EST 2016

Hello and thank you for your response.
Indeed I have tried with different Tolerance values. The screenshots were
made with tolerance of 0.001.
Right now (after your message), I'm using 0.0001. It improved the behavior
but still I have some annoying flickering (labels appear and disappear)
when I move the camera.

Thank you.

2016-01-28 19:32 GMT+01:00 Yumin Yuan <yumin.yuan at kitware.com>:

> Hi Fernando,
> You got a quite complicated pipeline here :). Just a thought without
> knowing all the details, you may try to decrease the Tolerance value in
> vtkSelectVisiblePoints. The default value might not work well with your
> data.
> Yumin
> On Thu, Jan 28, 2016 at 11:23 AM, Fernando Nellmeldin <
> f.nellmeldin at open-engineering.com> wrote:
>> Hello.
>> Does anyone has any tips?
>> Thank you.
>> 2016-01-25 10:39 GMT+01:00 Fernando Nellmeldin <
>> f.nellmeldin at open-engineering.com>:
>>> Hello.
>>> I'm trying to show the values of a contour as labels. Each label is
>>> fixed to a point in the contour. I do not want to show the labels that are
>>> anchored to points that are not visible.
>>> To achieve this, I followed these two examples:
>>> http://www.vtk.org/Wiki/VTK/Examples/Cxx/Visualization/LabelContours
>>> http://www.vtk.org/gitweb?p=VTK.git;a=blob;f=Examples/Annotation/Python/labeledMesh.py
>>> Unfortunately, the removal of hidden points (and thus, of labels) is not
>>> working as expected. I attach three pictures of the behavior when I move
>>> the camera. Look at the values on the top (365 and 399).
>>> The Pipeline I am using is the following:
>>> vtkUnstructuredGrid -> vtkGeometryFilter -> vtkContourFilter ->
>>> vtkStripper -> (create a vtkPolyData with one point of each contour) ->
>>> vtkSelectVisiblePoints -> vtkLabeledDataMapper -> vtkActor2D.
>>> I am using VTK 5.10 but I tried with VTK 6.3 and the problem is worse
>>> (nothing is hidden). This is under Windows 8.1.
>>> Any ideas?
>>> Thank you.
>> --
>> *Fernando NELLMELDIN*
>> Software Engineer
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Software Engineer

*Open Engineering s.a.*

Rue Bois Saint-Jean 15/1
B-4102 Seraing (Belgium)
Tel: +32.4.353.30.34



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