[vtkusers] Gouraud shading of a vtkStructuredGrid's boundary

Luca Pallozzi Lavorante lplavorante at gmail.com
Wed Aug 10 12:08:16 EDT 2016

Hi everybody,
Is there  any way to visualize a StructuredGrid's boundary with Gouraud
When I use a very simple pipeline vtkStructuredGrid -> vtkDataSetMapper  ->
vtkActor I am able to visualize the closed boundary of the grid. The
polygons used in the rendering are triangles with a flat shading look.
If I wish to apply  a Gouraud shading to this boundary, should I extract
this closed surface as a vtkPolyData and then use vtkPolyDataNormals on it?
If this is the case, How can I extract the boundary? Should I use
vtkStructuredGridGeometryFilter to obtain six separate polydata's defining
the boundary and then append them using vtkAppendPolyData?

Thank you very much for your help

Luca Pallozzi Lavorante
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