[vtkusers] read XDMF in parallel

Berk Geveci berk.geveci at kitware.com
Wed Jun 17 12:00:07 EDT 2015

Hi Nico,

What happens if you call


before you call SetUpdateExtent() ?


On Tue, Jun 16, 2015 at 9:06 AM, Nico Schlömer <nico.schloemer at gmail.com>

> From [1], I find that parallel reading of XDMF files is as simple as
> ```
>   vtkMPIController *contr = vtkMPIController::New();
>   contr->Initialize();
>   int proc = contr->GetLocalProcessId();
>   int numprocs = contr->GetNumberOfProcesses();
>   contr->Barrier();
>   vtkXdmf3Reader *xreader = vtkXdmf3Reader::New();
>   xreader->SetFileName("data/pacman.xmf");
>   contr->Barrier();
>   xreader->SetUpdateExtent(proc, numprocs, 0);
>   xreader->Update();
> ```
> How can I check if this really worked?
> After retrieving the output
> ```
>   vtkDataObject *rOutput = xreader->GetOutputDataObject(0);
>   TEUCHOS_ASSERT(rOutput != nullptr);
>   vtkUnstructuredGrid * m = dynamic_cast<vtkUnstructuredGrid*>(rOutput);
>   TEUCHOS_ASSERT(m != nullptr);
>   std::cout << m->GetNumberOfCells() << " " << m->GetNumberOfPoints()
> << std::endl;
> ```
> it seems that the all procs have all points and cells.
> Is there a way to only retrieve the locally owned cells/points?
> Cheers,
> Nico
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