[vtkusers] vtkXMLDataElement::GetCharacterData fails for a large data in a XML file

Mengda Wu wumengda at gmail.com
Wed Jul 22 13:17:33 EDT 2015

Hi All,

   I am trying to read a dataarray (>50000 coordinates) from a generic XML
file (not the vtk xml file). It looks like this

<DataArray type="Float32" name="Coordinates" numberOfComponents="3">
-19.92780000 -189.56800000 1276.60750000
-8.42000000 -179.22460000 1287.58500000
-25.75580000 -173.91110000 1267.89400000
-14.17970000 -189.38230000 1280.66000000

 Unfortunately, vtkXMLDataElement::GetCharacterData gives me nothing. I
think it is because the vtkXMLDataParser does not save the data. I also
tried the "parser->SetIgnoreCharacterData(0)" as suggested by the previous
posts in this mainling list. But it does not work either. I am wondering
what is the good way to read this data.

  I am looking at "vtkXMLDataParser::ReadInlineData". But I cannot figure
out how I should pass the parameters.

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