[vtkusers] Can't generate executable file from Cone.cxx example
Paolo Grossi
smoldino at gmail.com
Fri Jul 17 09:25:59 EDT 2015
Thanks Cory.
Unfortunately, even this solution didn't work.
Always the same error as the first message.
Paolo Grossi.
On 17 July 2015 at 13:40, Cory Quammen <cory.quammen at kitware.com> wrote:
> Hmm, I would try to remove the line
> set(VTK_DIR $HOME/build-VTK)
> and set that manually though ccmake and see if that works.
> Cory
> On Fri, Jul 17, 2015 at 8:11 AM, Paolo Grossi <smoldino at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Thanks Cory for your quick answer.
>> I didn't receive an error during the configuration with ccmake.
>> I tried to build the example outside the main directory and to correct
>> the CMakeLists.txt, but the result is always the same.
>> Regards,
>> Paolo Grossi.
>> On 17 July 2015 at 13:01, Cory Quammen <cory.quammen at kitware.com> wrote:
>>> Paolo,
>>> Did you get an error when configuring with ccmake? It looks like the VTK
>>> include directories are not being set properly.
>>> I would also recommend putting the example code and CMakeLists.txt file
>>> in a directory outside your VTK build directory. I'm not sure that this is
>>> causing the problem, but it is good practice to build dependent projects
>>> outside the VTK build directory.
>>> Also, in your CMakeLists.txt file, I think you can access your HOME
>>> environment variable with
>>> $ENV{HOME}
>>> not
>>> $HOME
>>> Thanks,
>>> Cory
>>> On Fri, Jul 17, 2015 at 6:56 AM, Paolo Grossi <smoldino at gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Greetings to the whole community of VTK,
>>>> I'm a newbie user!
>>>> After the installation of VTK on my PC (Ubuntu 14.04.2), I was trying
>>>> to run the example linked here:
>>>> http://www.vtk.org/Wiki/VTK/Examples/Cxx/GeometricObjects/Cone
>>>> During the installation I selected the "BUILD EXAMPLE" option.
>>>> I also unselected the "BUILD SHARED LIBS" option, because I can't
>>>> proceed with the installation if I had selected it.
>>>> My steps were:
>>>> 1) created the file Cone.cxx into the directory
>>>> "$HOME/build-VTK/Examples/Tutorial/Step1/Cxx/CmakeFiles/Cone.dir" with the
>>>> text:
>>>> #include <vtkConeSource.h>
>>>> #include <vtkPolyData.h>
>>>> #include <vtkSmartPointer.h>
>>>> #include <vtkPolyDataMapper.h>
>>>> #include <vtkActor.h>
>>>> #include <vtkRenderWindow.h>
>>>> #include <vtkRenderer.h>
>>>> #include <vtkRenderWindowInteractor.h>
>>>> int main(int, char *[])
>>>> {
>>>> //Create a cone
>>>> vtkSmartPointer<vtkConeSource> coneSource =
>>>> vtkSmartPointer<vtkConeSource>::New();
>>>> coneSource->Update();
>>>> //Create a mapper and actor
>>>> vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyDataMapper> mapper =
>>>> vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyDataMapper>::New();
>>>> mapper->SetInputConnection(coneSource->GetOutputPort());
>>>> vtkSmartPointer<vtkActor> actor = vtkSmartPointer<vtkActor>::New();
>>>> actor->SetMapper(mapper);
>>>> //Create a renderer, render window, and interactor
>>>> vtkSmartPointer<vtkRenderer> renderer =
>>>> vtkSmartPointer<vtkRenderer>::New();
>>>> vtkSmartPointer<vtkRenderWindow> renderWindow =
>>>> vtkSmartPointer<vtkRenderWindow>::New();
>>>> renderWindow->AddRenderer(renderer);
>>>> vtkSmartPointer<vtkRenderWindowInteractor> renderWindowInteractor =
>>>> vtkSmartPointer<vtkRenderWindowInteractor>::New();
>>>> renderWindowInteractor->SetRenderWindow(renderWindow);
>>>> //Add the actors to the scene
>>>> renderer->AddActor(actor);
>>>> renderer->SetBackground(.3, .2, .1); // Background color dark red
>>>> //Render and interact
>>>> renderWindow->Render();
>>>> renderWindowInteractor->Start();
>>>> return EXIT_SUCCESS;
>>>> }
>>>> 2) created the file CMakeLists.txt into the same directory above with
>>>> the text:
>>>> cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
>>>> project(Cone)
>>>> set(VTK_DIR $HOME/build-VTK)
>>>> find_package(VTK REQUIRED)
>>>> include(${VTK_USE_FILE})
>>>> add_executable(Cone Cone.cxx)
>>>> target_link_libraries(Cone ${VTK_LIBRARIES})
>>>> else()
>>>> target_link_libraries(Cone vtkHybrid vtkWidgets)
>>>> endif()
>>>> 3) typed the command "ccmake ." into the same directory above, pressed
>>>> the C button and the G button
>>>> 4) typed the command "make" into the same directory above, receiving
>>>> the error explained below:
>>>> $HOME/build-VTK/Examples/Tutorial/Step1/Cxx/CMakeFiles/Cone.dir/Cone.cxx:19:27:
>>>> error: vtkConeSource.h: No such file or directory
>>>> $HOME/build-VTK/Examples/Tutorial/Step1/Cxx/CMakeFiles/Cone.dir/Cone.cxx:20:31:
>>>> error: vtkPolyDataMapper.h: No such file or directory
>>>> $HOME/build-VTK/Examples/Tutorial/Step1/Cxx/CMakeFiles/Cone.dir/Cone.cxx:21:29:
>>>> error: vtkRenderWindow.h: No such file or directory
>>>> $HOME/build-VTK/Examples/Tutorial/Step1/Cxx/CMakeFiles/Cone.dir/Cone.cxx:22:23:
>>>> error: vtkCamera.h: No such file or directory
>>>> $HOME/build-VTK/Examples/Tutorial/Step1/Cxx/CMakeFiles/Cone.dir/Cone.cxx:23:22:
>>>> error: vtkActor.h: No such file or directory
>>>> $HOME/build-VTK/Examples/Tutorial/Step1/Cxx/CMakeFiles/Cone.dir/Cone.cxx:24:25:
>>>> error: vtkRenderer.h: No such file or directory
>>>> $HOME/build-VTK/Examples/Tutorial/Step1/Cxx/CMakeFiles/Cone.dir/Cone.cxx:
>>>> In function ‘int main()’:
>>>> $HOME/build-VTK/Examples/Tutorial/Step1/Cxx/CMakeFiles/Cone.dir/Cone.cxx:34:
>>>> error: ‘vtkConeSource’ was not declared in this scope
>>>> $HOME/build-VTK/Examples/Tutorial/Step1/Cxx/CMakeFiles/Cone.dir/Cone.cxx:34:
>>>> error: ‘cone’ was not declared in this scope
>>>> $HOME/build-VTK/Examples/Tutorial/Step1/Cxx/CMakeFiles/Cone.dir/Cone.cxx:34:
>>>> error: ‘vtkConeSource’ is not a class or namespace
>>>> $HOME/build-VTK/Examples/Tutorial/Step1/Cxx/CMakeFiles/Cone.dir/Cone.cxx:46:
>>>> error: ‘vtkPolyDataMapper’ was not declared in this scope
>>>> $HOME/build-VTK/Examples/Tutorial/Step1/Cxx/CMakeFiles/Cone.dir/Cone.cxx:46:
>>>> error: ‘coneMapper’ was not declared in this scope
>>>> $HOME/build-VTK/Examples/Tutorial/Step1/Cxx/CMakeFiles/Cone.dir/Cone.cxx:46:
>>>> error: ‘vtkPolyDataMapper’ is not a class or namespace
>>>> $HOME/build-VTK/Examples/Tutorial/Step1/Cxx/CMakeFiles/Cone.dir/Cone.cxx:56:
>>>> error: ‘vtkActor’ was not declared in this scope
>>>> $HOME/build-VTK/Examples/Tutorial/Step1/Cxx/CMakeFiles/Cone.dir/Cone.cxx:56:
>>>> error: ‘coneActor’ was not declared in this scope
>>>> $HOME/build-VTK/Examples/Tutorial/Step1/Cxx/CMakeFiles/Cone.dir/Cone.cxx:56:
>>>> error: ‘vtkActor’ is not a class or namespace
>>>> $HOME/build-VTK/Examples/Tutorial/Step1/Cxx/CMakeFiles/Cone.dir/Cone.cxx:65:
>>>> error: ‘vtkRenderer’ was not declared in this scope
>>>> $HOME/build-VTK/Examples/Tutorial/Step1/Cxx/CMakeFiles/Cone.dir/Cone.cxx:65:
>>>> error: ‘ren1’ was not declared in this scope
>>>> $HOME/build-VTK/Examples/Tutorial/Step1/Cxx/CMakeFiles/Cone.dir/Cone.cxx:65:
>>>> error: ‘vtkRenderer’ is not a class or namespace
>>>> $HOME/build-VTK/Examples/Tutorial/Step1/Cxx/CMakeFiles/Cone.dir/Cone.cxx:74:
>>>> error: ‘vtkRenderWindow’ was not declared in this scope
>>>> $HOME/build-VTK/Examples/Tutorial/Step1/Cxx/CMakeFiles/Cone.dir/Cone.cxx:74:
>>>> error: ‘renWin’ was not declared in this scope
>>>> $HOME/build-VTK/Examples/Tutorial/Step1/Cxx/CMakeFiles/Cone.dir/Cone.cxx:74:
>>>> error: ‘vtkRenderWindow’ is not a class or namespace
>>>> make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/Cone.dir/Cone.cxx.o] Error 1
>>>> make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/Cone.dir/all] Error 2
>>>> make: *** [all] Error 2
>>>> I have really no idea about the solution of this problem.
>>>> Sorry for my incompetence!
>>>> I'm looking forward to hear you.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Paolo Grossi.
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>>> --
>>> Cory Quammen
>>> R&D Engineer
>>> Kitware, Inc.
> --
> Cory Quammen
> R&D Engineer
> Kitware, Inc.
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