[vtkusers] How to solve MakeCurrent error?

Rakesh Patil rakesh.p at tataelxsi.co.in
Tue Dec 29 07:29:40 EST 2015

Dear VTK users,

I am using VTK 6.3 version. I am using four QVTKWidgets in my application, say rightTopWidget, rightBottomWidget, leftTopWidget, and leftBottomWidget. If I add actor in one render window, say leftTopWidget, all the renderwindows display actors. Later if I perform selection in anther window then it shows me this error:

vtkWin32OpenGLRenderWindow (000000EB5FD666A0): Attempting to call MakeCurrent for a different window than the one doing the picking, this can causes crashes and/or bad pick results

Kindly let me know how do I solve this.

Thanks in advance

Warm Regards

Rakesh Patil
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