[vtkusers] vtkDistanceWidget - changing the bound shape

Carlos Martinez carlinhosmp87 at gmail.com
Sat Sep 27 04:14:41 EDT 2014

Hello Sid,

Yes it is possible, as you can see in the documentation:


you can create a vtkDistanceRepresentation and use this method:

*SetHandleRepresentation(vtkHandleRepresentation). *

Then u can pass a *vtkSphereHandleRepresentation *to this method, because
this class inherits from *vtkHandleRepresentation* and use spheres as the
handles of the widget!


2014-09-27 0:35 GMT+02:00 Sid Murthy <sid.murthy at gmail.com>:

> I was wondering if the cross shape at the endpoints can be changed (or
> removed)? I don't see anything in the docs that let me do this. Or maybe
> just reduce the size?
> thanks,
> Sid
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